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Dowsing is an odd phenomenon. I know generally skeptical people who nevertheless believe in it. I can't say definitively that it is impossible, but I'm very skeptical. Anyway, here James Randi deals with the subject.

Omnedon 7 Nov 2

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There are unexplained phenom in the universe. We can not know it all. We just do not explain it with the "god" nonsense. We merely say we do not know yet. At least I say that.


At the risk of wrecking my reputation as a total skeptic and cynic, I'm afraid I have good reason to at least wonder about dowsing.
My father's late best friend of some forty years, a man names Denis Sheffield, worked for the north of England water board for his entire working life and after his retirement continued to work for them as a "leak finder" using a pair of precision made dowsing rods with foft foam rubber handles, with free moving mounted bearings to allow the rods to swing even when not being held, that could also be set on a custom made stand.
To demonstrate that dowsing with nothing to do with him, he would mount the rods on their stand on the ground and move a plastic bowl of water under them and they would invariably cross.
In tests against electronic moisture dectors he found underground fractured pipes more accurately and faster than the machines.
HIs success rate was was good enough that he was employed full time for 42 years by the water board and would dowse for anyone who asked for help, but only for water or leaks. I often asked if he could find other stuff like metal or oil or even precious metals, to which he always replied that he had no idea and had never tried.
"uncle" Denis never claimed supernatural powers or abilities, simply family folk wisdom, he was taught by his grandfather who used the same phenomena to tell folk were to sink wells and was a complete skeptic in all other matters.
He is long dead now, unfortunately so as a mature adult I have no way to go and check on his abilities just childhood memories and a couple of old news paper cuttings from th local rag back in the seventies, still kept by my father.

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