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The content of this video suggests that the biblical claims where God rewards followers and punishes others is not supported by evidence. Do statistics matter to the religious? Does truth?

racocn8 9 Nov 13

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As was once said of the Roman Empire, " It comes to a land, finds a garden and turns it into a desert," this, imo, also applies completely to religions as well.


Not in my experience do statistics or truth matter to the religious. I've drawn the conclusion that nudging them toward a friendlier version of their religion is the only real hope. Sometimes they might respond, and go further, but it's rare.


"There are promises in scripture...!" And Irvin Baxter, who "knew" that the "End Days" were upon us, and made boatloads of "filthy lucre" based upon that BS, is dead of the corona virus. Bye now.


I get notifications every time he releases a new video.


I really like this dude. Subscribing for sure!


RELIGION COMPARED TO ACTUAL WELFARE...what a brilliant study! please do two other ones, on feminism and that other " in - our - faces" public stage mass movement. you know the one. i'm chicken to call its' name. but regarding feminism, namely lets focus the study on their claims of women exploited and persecuted versus the actual welfare status of each sex based on a hard look at death rates, suicide rates, disease rates, longevity, percent to disposable income consumed, educational opportunity particularly including post grad rates, and so forth. all these indices were last examined anywhere near widely and openly (to my best knowledge) in the now aging monologue THE MYTH OF MALE POWER (does anyone know of updated good research on this subject?). what a strange informational lacuna to bloom right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. .................... now i have no problem with beating the dead horse of religiousity. a dead horse can and does still poison the so called "intelligent" life on our sad little planet. and its easy enough to beat a dead horse. but while were at it, we must not ignore the 800 pound nasty twin gorilla mass movements which dominate the elete thought world today. you know, feminism and i don't even dare speak the name of the other one. people get fired from jobs these days for even daring to cross it, or mention it in some way deemed negative by the"racist police" (OOPS! THE CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG!!). the worst and the most cowardly racism of all is the one that turns a blind eye to their leaderships' climate of prevarication. .....but wait! i will speak of it, and its gross abuses, here. yes, right here. just as soon as i see enough "likes" to indicate a groundswell among my fellow atheists for real freedom of thought. hurry up, im holding my breath.

Political correctness is an ugly blinder to wear. Sometimes it is there for a good reason and sometimes not. I'm not certain what you're alluding to on your second half, and maybe it is a true third rail. On the other hand, not spelling it out enables you to evade challenge, warranted or not. Beware of self-imposed bubbles.

first of all, my respectful thanks, for your intelligence, and for your lucid but vague critique. im lucid but vague myself at times,. but in that department, if im dr vague jeckle- kettle then your mr vague hyde - pot. tortured enough analogy ? . but here im not trying to evade challenge, im begging for it. i thought it was obvious that the 2nd half 800 lb gorrilla i speak of is the whole black "civil rights" movement, whose wheels fell off when it became the black power movement in the times of h rap brown and stokley carmicheal. and then their rhetoric, not coincidently, became punctuated by rioting, looting, and murder whenever they felt that the political or public dole payoffs were lagging, or they needed some emotional but distorted red herring to prop up their own needs as power brokers to make felt noise. is that any clearer?

@racocn8 ----------and yes i understand your well coined phrase "ugly blinder" and your point about it. just have no time to address it now.

@holdenc98 The problem with the study above is that correlation rarely tells you anything about causation, and causation may come from somewhere else anyway. Does belief hobble functional thinking and thus handicap those countries? Probably. But religious countries are not subject to external discrimination, and cannot point to unfair treatment by external entities.

In some similar way, do women or non-whites suffer from self-imposed degradation or is it imposed from outside? Here, both are evident. Women and non-whites are subject to prejudicial treatment, but also suffer from self-imposed handicaps. Women also have intrinsic biological handicaps.

A society should strive to treat people equally and fairly, and that does mean mitigating biases held over from less civilized times.

However, these mitigation efforts are necessarily demoralized where women and non-whites censor valid criticism, and compel society to wear ugly blinders that compel politically correctness and omission of criticism. As example, far too many women bury themselves in their sexually oriented roles and overdo the time spent on clothing and appearance. Too many non-whites remain fully devoted to their religions and refuse to abandon unhealthy eating habits. Thus, the complaints of women and non-whites lose their strength when they have so much work to do themselves.


my stepdad always said it this way. "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it." This might be why my main way of fighting religion is through proving the infallible instruction manual to be nothing but garbage.

Itโ€™s in the Bible, it must be true!

@Canndue Absolutely. I see talking donkeys everyday and entire cities falling down just by marching around it 7 times beating a drum

Trigger word,oh, there's grace. If God were real I'd remove the c and it would arrange Rage. Chaotic Bipolar rage. ๐Ÿ˜„


Their truth is โ€œTheir real religionโ€. Nothing else matters.


In my experience, religidiots are way too dumb to understand statistics. The only truth religidiots understand is the lies of theism.

I know some very intelligent religious people. I never understood it. Maybe they are brilliant at using what they were taught, but never taught how to think?

@Canndue I think they just stuff the religious bits into the part of their brains for things they don't intend to examine too closely.

@alewife336 itโ€™s like they go brain dead, one minute they explaining quantum physics, and next they are goo-goo over talking snakes...

@Canndue Brain dead, yes. Goo-goo over talking snakes, yes. But please donโ€™t cite quantum physics in this context.

When people say they are quantum physicists, I think of mathematicians who value elegant equations more highly than they value empirical evidence.

@yvilletom I agree Tom. ๐Ÿ™‚


No, thatโ€™s one of the ways we see the light ๐Ÿ˜Š

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