"In the beginning was the word [of God] " was a mis-translation in Genesis from the Greek . It should have been "In the beginning was the conversation" . So that was the basic thing where a few people of power started the idea of God. Thank Darwin we are correcting their mistakes on this site. Apparently Erasmus spotted this but Jerome's mistake was carried forward nevertheless.
Source : ' In Our Times ' series of the BBC Radio 4 Podcast on 'Humanism
Yoh almost understood biblical text "It should have been "In the beginning was the conversation" John 1:14 ... the conversation of the old textiment became flesh,(a person) [ because that is what the old testiment people talked about].
The new testiment is the written Eye witness accounts that the "conversation " became a person.
Study psychology of eye witness testimony being contradictory accounts and you would understand #1 writers of new testiment was a genius to makes witness testimony have contradictions as psychological science says witness testimony would have so that the new testiment would appear valid as contradictory eye witness statements.
#2 the new testiment really is eye witness accounts that gave scientific psychological correct contradictions that the old testiment conversation became a person.
If my memory serves correctly, in a passage from the Aramaic ( somewhat earliest version of the whole mythology) it states that, In the Beginning of time, the God, Yahweh, spaketh to ALL other Gods saying, "Here I shall create ALL things, both Good and Evil for over those shall we ALL rule for evermore."
So, logically speaking, does not this One True God of Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc, alike, NOT admit, openly, that IT IS NOT the ONLY God?
So, does this NOT beg the questions such as,
Simple it is not your place to fuck with me!
That is an opinion like yours!
Simple fuck oft that is what I believe!!!
Not Genesis.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the logos (word) ... John 1:14 ... the word (logos) became flesh (a person).
What it could be observed for what John was saying is that Jesus character was spoken into existence from the thoughts to spoken words of the people of the old testiment.
Jesus character quoted at least 81 times in new testiment referring to himself as "son of man(kind)". Offspring, product of mankind. A creation of the people-gods of the old testiment speaking Jesus character into existence. John 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?
Gods create, from Genesis, the biblical elohim created by speaking.
Logos is cognition attributes thought, reason, word (speach) capabilities.
There is double means entwined in biblical text.
Within Hellenistic Judaism, Philo (c. 20 BC – c. 50 AD) adopted the term into Jewish philosophy.[7] Philo distinguished between logos prophorikos ("the uttered word" ) and the logos endiathetos ("the word remaining within" ).[8] wikipedia
@Thirst2learn Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
@Gwendolyn2018 yes, almost exactly as I have experienced, Jesus material or manifestation of the female ruach.
@Thirst2learn laws are arbitrary not specifically imaginary but can be based on a principle of understanding.
arbitrary - (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.
@Thirst2learn you are the person killed either way. Is it imaginary that you are dead?
@Thirst2learn I can understand basically what you are trying to say, but it seems to me "imaginary " would not be the best word for you to use in this context pertaining to written laws. I am not at the moment inclined to go into explination but it could be research worthy for yourself. B
@Thirst2learn as to homosexuality, in its purest sense there is 0 (zero) evolutionary fitness. That is people are not by any means designed to reproduce by homosexual relations. Evolutionary processes are about those reproductive capabilities to pass on genetic.
In addition, do we have any idea how it was mistranslated from Aramaic or its original language or its oral traditions into Greek? That's the trouble with language, it's interpretive so that any particular translation will necessarily include interpretations from the translators. If one looks at the dozens of interpretations of the Bible on a site like Biblegateway, we can compare various passages interpreted and trsnslated differently. It brings the notion of inerrancy of the Bible into focus, so that the response to anyone who says something like "the Bible says it, I believe it, and that's the end of discussion" is to ask, "which Bible?"