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Trump is determined leave America in the most vulnerable position possible since he was not reelected. How evil is that?


Lorajay 9 Nov 17

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VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE is Needed Right Now.


He is calling home his praetorian guard because he believes the armed forces will protect their god king emperor when he refuses to leave his temple palace next January.

I’m afraid you may be right. 😢

Is not going to work. For those who served, you are aware of what is a Direct Order and what is a Lawful Order. Reminding you that most absentee votes from Military were going for Joe Biden #46. For Civilians "No Military has to Follow and Order the Military Deems is Breaking a Law". Military is Not a policeman. January 20 2021 1201 Hours donut trump will be trespassing in the White House. All Military knows that.


How is removing troops from Afghanistan going to make America vulnerable?. They shouldn't be there in the first place

The Pentagon saysthe current amount of American troops is needed in these areas to prevent ISIS from reforming and formulating terrorist attacks in the US.

We should never have been there anyway but our former President Bush needed to help his oilfield buddies.

I believe Trump is evil and he actually thinks removing the troops will do two things.Numbe one, make him look like a promise keeper and number two,put the Biden administration off balance when it comes to foreign relations.

@Lorajay Yes,I take your point. It would create a vacuum and allow the Taliban to increase power and influence in the area but would this make America more vulnerable ?. I doubt it.
On a similar vein Boris has just announced an increase in defence spending of £15 billion.
I have a suspicious mind but I wonder if this is to help bolster NATO and therefore appeal to Biden and get a better trade deal between the UK and USA.


Sounds childish.


Can a President be impeached after losing an election?!

It would be a waste of time. A President's term expires at noon on Jan. 20

no but he can be arrested.


Hitler the Austrian, did the Same to Germany.


He is going for the scorched earth departure. Screw everything up as much as he can, no transition information that would reveal all the things he is doing behind closed doors. I imagine there will be a lot of shredding going on between now and January.


He will try to get a war start . He will try everything .

That appears to be his current tack, now that his lawsuits over the election aren't getting anywhere..


Totally predictable. I predicted it early... "he will trash and burn everything he can". It's part of his narcissist tantrum throwing personality.

Leelu Level 7 Nov 17, 2020

Scorched Earth policy. I don’t know what we expected.

Mvtt Level 7 Nov 17, 2020

For Trump it's a Tuesday.


I think knowingly lying and conning every single day is pretty evil. This is completely expected. And he's "christian" 🙂!

Only in a totally hollow, symbolic way so he can pander to his evangelical base members.


Not that surprising. Trump has never had any real patriotism, only the fake, symbolic, rah-rah type that his fans eat up. He won't pay his taxes and he dodged the draft with phony medical claims. That should tell you all you need to know about his real amount of patriotism.

Patriotism is a dated word as far as I’m concerned.

Draft Dodgers should get the firing squad as far as I’m concerned. They are wretches and total cowards. They should be banned from public office.

Draft dodgers are worse than those who receive a dishonorable discharge.

@SeaRay215ex I Saw "Draft Dodgers" Serve Later for 20 years. They got Deferment for College or for Marriage. Later when they were "Ready" to Serve... They Served as a Career. So you have to know the Reasons why before you blanket all under the same sheet. Did you served? Have you Ever been Drafted? Did You ever Volunteered?

@GipsyOfNewSpain No I personally never have. My father, 2 Uncles, cousin, served in The US Army, and 4 of them were NYPD Cops.

And I do not mean that over the deferments that you have mentioned, The college, marriage and such. I am talking about those like Pres. Chump, Giuliani, Bill Clinton, Newt Gingbitch (Gingrich), that ilk. They did NOT do it for honorable reasons. I believe you know the real reasons why.

It is also merely my opinion. Cowards are weak and deserve no recognition. For anything.

@SeaRay215ex Study American Civil War, You could pay somebody to take your place in the Army.... Money can not only get you to places but also get you out of places like recruit "bone spurs" did.

@GipsyOfNewSpain It's always been that way, at least in the US.

@TomMcGiverin Yes indeed. Right Now there should be "Vote of No Confidence" for he is Worst President and Sourest Sore Loser I ever seen in My Long Life.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Biden's spot on the ballot may as well have read "None Of The Above" instead of Biden, because that's what most of his votes came from. Not that any of his partisan supporters or the DNC will ever admit it.

@TomMcGiverin Like donut trump said... IT IS WHAT IT IS.

@TomMcGiverin I think it's always been that way everywhere.

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