I know I'm not the only person that has trouble with family members that don't accept me but sometimes it's really hard to listen as they talk bad about my religion(or lack thereof) and my sexuality, is there anyone that has any tricks or advice to dealing with it?
You have to stick up for yourself or nobody will.
Whenever someone starts to diss you, calmly disagree, say that it was a rude thing to say and that your beliefs and sexual orientation are none of their business, then leave the room.
Don't pay any attention to them or even look at them unless they are acting positively toward you from then on. Just get busy and happy and never talk to them or about them..act they don't exist.
This quickly trains them to leave you alone..two weeks tops. I straightened out my parents from attacking my children after about three times of doing this. Whenever my dad started accusing them of something, I'd say "Look at the time! Gotta run! Love you!" then we'd leave.
After about three times of doing this, my mom would quickly shush my dad every time he started in on them.
I went through a lot of the same things. After years of disrespecting who I am, I had to cut several family members out of my life. It wasn't easy and I'm not happy about it but it was necessary for my sanity. Hugs.
Yeah! I cut my own parents out for 13 years. It wasn't over religion but the family farm. I lived only a mile away and didn't darken their doorway a single time in those 13 years. Sometimes you just have to cut someone loose and live your own life. It's OK to do so. I value my life and they didn't so they lost their share of it
Sorry to hear it was that bad for you, but glad you managed to stay true to yourself.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
... i.e. "family" doesn't have to mean anything you don't want it to mean. Blood relatives don't accept you? Go find yourself some new fam, cuz.
Tell them: "Look, I love you. I love you with all my heart. You've known me for years, and I know you as well as you know me. When you've been down, I've been there to lift you up. When I've been down, you've been there to carry me. For that, I am eternally grateful..
Now, please fuck off."
Lmao, this is pure genius like 100% 10/10 ratings but if I were to say this I would literally get shot
@Catalaya22 Heard!
I see that you are quite young and this will ease as you become more confident in yourself and your sexuality. You are still of an age where your upbringing still has instilled a respect for your elders - regardless of whether that respect has been earned or is justified.
If your family are deeply religious, they may be genuinely worried about your future. Have confidence in your choices in life and who you are. It may be that they will always have difficulty understanding your choices but you need to stay strong and true to yourself.
Show them that who you are is a strong, confident, caring young woman that has strong moral values and probably has better christian values than they do.
If they continue to be unkind, carefully choose your time, but calmly and quietly ask them how they think jesus would treat somebody like you.
Don't be afraid to tell them how their comments make you feel, but rise above their fear and do not sink to name calling yourself. You are worth more than that.
I positively hate this casualty of religion! Why can't family members see the cutting out of other family members over an institution as the cultish behavior that it is?
I would try a combination of the suggestions provided. Define and communicate your boundaries. Show them as much love and patience as you can. Distance yourself when you need to. Find new people to include in your life where the family has been letting you down.
I hope for the best for you and am sorry that you are being treated this way. You can hang here in the mean time. Many members have suffered similarly.
Taking time out. 15 years in another country was good. Now if they upset me I take a couple of weeks off, depending how I feel. Also know it's your life, they get to live theirs, you have to make the choice to live yours and not let them have too much control or power over you. All the best.
The closer the family members are the harder it can be depending on your relationship with them. However if they can't love and respect you for who you are then maybe take a step back from them if you can. Let them know that there are boundaries. If they can't live and let live then you can't let them in your life that much, or not at all. You have just as much right to your own personal beliefs and sexuality as they do to their own.
I try redirection and if that doesn't work blatantly telling them "look if you don't stop I will leave." And mean it. That's the important part. Every time they bring it up, just get up and walk away.
As soon as I hit puberty my relationship with my family went down the tubes. So many false accusations about my sexuality hurt my self esteem and destroyed my social life. Finally left home my senior year of high school. I had denounced Judaism at 16 which ostracized me from half my class and humiliated my parents. Everyone is different. I had a place to go to. Think it out. What is best for you?
Avoid them on religious holidays. Take vacations alone or with nonreligious friends on Christmas and Easter week. Suggest they serve Thanksgiving dinner with you in a homeless shelter to avoid fights at home. Make a pact with them: no religious talk on either side when you are together. If they truly love you they will try and be civil.
I still had to leave town and cut ties with nearly every member of my family because they were emotionally abusive. They are Southern Baptists and every goddamned one of them voted for Trump.
I guess it depends on the level of abuse. My mother has a bad habit of evangelizing to me every chance she gets. I finally laid down the law and forbid her from doing it anymore. Whenever she does, I leave. I left right in the middle of a lunch at a restaurant just last week. But this can be a hard stance to take and it might not be worth it to you. I've gone long periods of time without talking to my family. That sense of connection can be hard to lose. I would support and understand anybody who didn't want to take that step. But I got to the point where it was more painful to be around my family than it was to not be around.
I'm not even allowed to be around my mother unless she reaches out first, the last time i tried to visit her and my siblings without her telling me to come she closed the door in my face
Yeah, it's really hard for me to give advice on this because I'm not sure what's right for me is right for everyone. But what was right for me was to try and find family in other people. It doesn't sound to me like she's even treating you with the respect that she probably gives strangers. At some point I think you have to stand up for yourself so that you believe you're worth it.
@Mightyjustice I hear you, this was my path as well.
Have you tried pointing out, "I'm right here & I can hear you". If they don't laugh and knock it off, remember this: just because you are related to themdoesn't mean you have to like them.
They make it a point to only talk about it when I'm in the room and then try to pull me into the discussion with very belittling and degrading comments
@Catalaya22 That behavior is just cruel. As hard as I know it is, you have to distance yourself as much as you are able.
It wasn't until I stopped showing up for holidays and birthdays that my mother quit evangelizing. She finally got scared she'd never see me again in her old age.
If you can find an American Humanist Association group near you, I recommend joining and doing things with others there who are in your same situation. You won't be crazy about ALL of them, but you won't be judged either. It's a good place to find friends that can also be family, just not blood relatives. AmericanHumanist.org
This might sound odd, but there's no Humanist group in my small town. To avoid conflict when specifically asked about my religion, I say I am a Buddhist. A Buddhist temple doesn't worship a god and Buddha was only human. They follow a live and let live philosophy he began that will not be judgemental of you. Most Americans recognize Buddhism as a religion, because they don't know much about Buddha's teachings. It could be a haven for you as well.
@hemingwaykitten That!
Yes, distance yourself from them. you can't choose your family.
You have to be straight up with them. Tell them to either except you the way you are or not at all. And don’t let them get away with talking bad about your sexuality. And as far as your lack of religion learn everything about their religion all its kinks and contradictions know it better then they do. then when they start in on your lack of belief rip their beliefs to shreds. It worked for me at twelve when I came out as atheist. It won’t take long your family will be like mine none of them will talk religion or politics with me because I always rip them apart.
I've learned everything there is to learn about their religions and then some bc my mother liked to switch religions every 3 months or when the benefits stopped coming but your idea is very intriguing so thank you
I'm so sorry to hear. Advice? Just cut your losses and move on. My ENTIRE family turned their back on me. Parents, siblings, Aunts & Uncles and most cousins too. My father passed 4 years ago. After he died, I found out that he had specifically wrote me out of his will and that I knew why. Now mind you,, he was a supposed good christian man, Chairman of the Board of Deacons at a prominant Baptist Church. Well if he believes his own bible, (I don't) then he is burning in hell. 1 Timothy 5:8 states that anyone who doesn't provide for their family has denied the fath and is WORSE than an infidel. Too bad I don't believe in that heaven/hell nonsense. The best I can say about his fatherhood to me is that he supposedly provided the DNA for my creation, and I'm not certain of that. I didn't go to his funeral and I have yet to shed a single tear. My mother dies 6 years ago and left me a pittance too, just a fraction of what my siblings got. I went to her funeral but haven't shed a tear either. I just can't get worked up about someone who abandoned me during the worst times of my life. Hell my father didn't even come to the hospital nor called when I had my emergency open heart surgery.
However, I can recommend you viewing this youtube video I downloaded years ago:
The best way to deal with other peoples' or other family members' animosity is to intellectualize. If you can express your viewpoints and have a more intellectual, sophisticated, articulate viewpoint it will show them that you are more in control of yourself. If you enlighten them instead of taking a passive stance on the subject they will probably have more respect for your viewpoints, beliefs, sexuality. Hopefully everything will work itself out.
I'm so sorry to hear this! Know that you're certainly NOT the only person with a toxic family and it may be that you'll have to ''divorce'' yourself from them. There are excellent suggestions in these threads and I hope you can find one or two which feel ''right'' for you.
Otherwise, I'd suggest just leaving them behind, finding new ''family'' which you CHOOSE, not one which you have to endure. You have every right to love, support and acceptance from those you call ''family.''
If it were up to me, I'd draft a letter to everyone in your ''birth'' family and tell them what you've told us. "I love you all but it's very clear you don't love, respect or value me as I am. You should know that I'm leaving all of you behind to find a new, loving ''family," which will accept me as the good, kind person I am. If you feel you miss me and can love me without reservations, criticism and cruelty, give me a call. Otherwise, I'll be living a happy life without you."
I’m not going to base my life on outdated bigoted concepts to appease ignorance and prejudice, please pass the mashed potatoes.