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Why do conservatives always lump Marxists, socialists and communists together as if they were all one and the same? Having been a leftist since high school (long, long ago in a distant galaxy), what I have seen is that each of those groupings contains people with many actual different views and positions, to the extent that overriding label does nothing to offer insight or clarity to the views and or positions those people actually have. Why are conservatives so stupid as to not recognize this?

creative51 8 Dec 8

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Because telling the truth means nothing to them, they only care about winning and getting power. So they use the most effective ways of winning by smearing lefties with labels they know continue to have influence with many Americans, esp. older ones.


They really don't know what the differences are and don't ever care to. They just see the terms as hot button words with which they can use as weapons to derogate and disparage people. This has been going on ever since the Joe McCarthy era in the 1950s.


Conservatives are the Philistine, or Extremely Stupid faction of the Bourgeoisie, and don't know much of anything really!


If they paid enough attention to understand the distinction, there's a good chance they wouldn't be conservative.


The smart conservatives have convinced the not as smart conservatives that they are all one and the same. This makes the job of the smart conservatives - which is controlling the not as smart conservatives - much easier.

It stems from the cold war when Marxist, socialists, and communists didn't need to be separated from each other, just fought against.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 8, 2020

Because conservatives have a very, very limited world view

Leetx Level 7 Dec 8, 2020

Why are conservatives so stupid as to not recognize this?

Asked and answered, moving right along.

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