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I need some ideas! A family up the street has been overly generous lately. I'm no good at the whole Xmas thing, but I want to show my gratitude. Any ideas?

Holysocks 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Sure. Buy me a new truck and I'll tell them how much I appreciate it,


Gift certificate! I used to say cook/bake but anything nowadays that came from someone else's home would go in the trash immediately!


How were they generous?

Also, do you cook? Bake?
My across the street neighbor loved some split pea soup I made for her. But of course not everyone likes that stuff.😋

My aunt was known for her candy popcorn. For years she kept the recipe secret. Whenever someone would buffalo her into giving it out she would tweak the amounts so it wouldn't come out quite right.Ha, ha.

Well, here's the real recipe -- it's not all that special. But it makes amazing popcorn balls that last for weeks without getting hard and since they're made with honey, they don't go bad.

  • 2 1/8 c Popcorn (1 lb.)
  • Butter & Salt for Popcorn
  • 1 c Sugar
  • 1 c Heavy Cream
  • 1 c Honey
  1. In a sauce pan, cook Sugar, Cream & Honey to soft ball state.
  2. Pop popcorn -- add butter & salt.
  3. Put popcorn in large bowl, pour candy over popcorn & mix.
  4. Wrap popcorn in whatever size balls are desired & decorate.

I don't even like what I cook. The wife of the house has a prosthetic leg and went out of her way to give me a freezer full of food.

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