Loving someone v being in love with someone?
If the two mean two different things (in love is infatuation, whereas loving is caring what happens to someone) why are they used interchangeably?
I disagree on a couple of levels.
Infatuation is that initial excitement you feel when you meet someone with whom you click. If that infatuation persists and grows into a trusting, warm, supportive and enduring relationship where you would take a bullet for them, that's being in love. I may love my car, or dancing, or my new haircut, but I'm not in love with them. My car can't support me emotionally when I'm down and I don't get warm fuzzy feelings just thinking about it. Love is more the feeling you have for a close friend, a child, a relative. Being in love is a long term commitment... until they screw up and you trade them in like a car.
Interesting...tell me more
@VineetHonkan That all I've got LOL
@TheoryNumber3 what bothers me is I get them confused...
@VineetHonkan It's just about how you feel.... it doesn't need to have a label on it. It's just a matter of the degree of emotion you feel for another person..
come on we all know not everyone knows the difference