A question for the guys: What qualities most impress you in a woman?
Independance and brains, brains, brains! One who has established her career instead of waiting for Prince Charming.
A superior response! A+
Her own person, non material, good hearted ,humble, smarts is a plus, and a good listener.
I’ve met women with a variety of qualities and personalities. They are all impressive in their own way. Finding the qualities is an enjoyable part of the dating process. Being a negative Nancy I think I’d do better naming qualities I avoid.
Being as young as I am, I’m sure my taste will change but right now, I think the biggest attractant would a set of goals and a seriousness to get there.
Honestly? -- the first thing most guys think about is can they imagine snuggling up to her in bed then, the properties of intelligence, openness, honesty, etc. come to play. In my case - the potential partner has to have an interesting history/personality - be more than just basically intelligent and secure in her self -- basically she would want me - but not need me (for financial support, emotional support) - aka for me to be a nurse and/or a purse.
Think a Rachel Maddow - yeah, she's gay - but ... you get the idea - she may be the smartest person in the room - doesn't stop a clock w/ her looks - doesn't need my money or help .. Or my dream babe - Sabine Schmidt (you have to know Top Gear for this one) -- one of the most capable drivers in the world (I think she's single now) .. unobtainable -- sure, but ...
What's wrong with needing your partner's help? That's a big reason people get into committed relationships, on both sides!
@hemingwaykitten Thank you for pointing out a near fatal flaw in my writing. Your point is correct - in a committed relationship, we each want/need what the other provides.
I've spent the last several minutes trying to refine my want vs need comment - it comes down to I am looking for an equal partner - as smart/charming/successful/handsome/capable/empathetic/etc. as I perceive myself -- I'm not perfect, nor do I expect my partner to be perfect. There's more, but it's too late at night for me to think it through well enough to put on paper.
Again, thanks for kicking me in the shins to force me to think this through more clearly.
Rachel Maddow definitely stops clocks with her looks! For me and @redcupcoffee for starters!
Empathy, personal drive, and self-confidence are my big 3.
Rationality. Independence. The ability to talk about issues that bother them in a relationship with their partner. An open mind (when it comes to music or movies/tv shows). And wanting to spend time home instead of always going out.
Oh, and if the relationship gets that far, someone who is awesome in bed.
A sense of humor and having something they stand for.
They're all lying. We all know there are only two types of men: those who go for boobs and those who dive for the booty?
If this thread were for what women look for in men - then you show some honesty. Might get some points there
At least these men are trying to think further than their dick. You aren't, and that's all I need to know!
Intelligence, wit, an open mind, edgy, and mean when she needs to be. Hard to offend and a crazy sense of humor, with a wildly inappropriate potty mouth So yeah, a dude with a vj, but I swear I'm not gay!
Right here!
Intelligence and humor, somebody that I can talk to for hours.
The ability to hoover the carpets, dust and polish without disturbing me. The ability to nip out to the shops when she is not otherwise required for sex. The ability to cook a good meal on time and to do the washing up quietly. Willingness to clean the toilet.
(Thinks: Wonder if I'll get any bites here)