Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backward sentences saying how crazy it is?
I love it and stole it for my Fb page, though I added an s to the second backward.
Yeah, it’s not mine for sure. I don’t remember where I got it from.
Isn't that a Palindrome?
No, a palindrome is a word that spells the same way backwards and forwards, like the city Bolton in England.
Properly speaking, a palindrome has letter-for-letter symmetry, not just word-for-word.
@cmadler Oh, so what is it?
bingo, I was looking for someone to say that before I answered.
@Sarahroo29 It was a pun
@Sarahroo29 google ‘dead parrot scetch’
@Sarahroo29 oh, and I don’t know if there is a word for the sentence I posted.
@Sarahroo29 The best term I've heard for it is a "word-unit palindrome".
@indirect76 Oh, okay. Pretty cool though.
@indirect76, @cmadler Hmmm... Nice.
@Markus Hannah and otto are Palindromes.