I always blame the second law of thermodynamics. Fucking entrophy.
If there is a god he is the most imoral creature ever. His enjoyment in children starving and being sold into sex trade......Rockarol, you know if You had the power you would stop these things, hence you are more moral than this being. If your life has ups and downs it's only to show us the value of laughter, joy and the lighter side. The balance of opposites is the best I can offer a person who is down. I would never know the humanity in my friends w/o the world/my life creating a need for them to step up. Lean on another if you need, many would help.
Nope, I know why my life is falling apart.
My life has unravelled a few times but it had nothing to do with someone who doesn't exist, similarly when I put it back together the non existing person had nothing to do with that either.
Am I screwed if all this god shit exists? Pass...depends on the god I suppose but I would say that he/she or it made a piss poor job of convincing me that they do exist..