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Hey can I get some help finding more atheist podcast, I am having some trouble finding ones that are still updating.

Rams91 4 Apr 15

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Excellent post. Love the resources! Thanks gang!


If you're in to a little bit more comedic / sometimes dirty / but always on point material, try the Cognitive Dissonance Podcast. Those guys are a blast.


There are so many to choose from and some that haven't been updated in years, but my 2 favorites are "The Friendly Atheist" and "The Thinking Atheist". Both regularly updated and available on iTunes. Both with very personable hosts.


Read science books. Scientific American

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

Atheist, shmatheist, what, you want more validation that you're correct?
Listen to Keith and the Girl! Comics, revolutionaries et al spill it five times a week.
I am dEadERest on the forums ?


The Non Prophets is a good one


Defiantly "waking up with sam harris" man's a genius!

Jim87 Level 3 Apr 15, 2018

I consider skeptical podcasts to be kind of like atheist podcasts. How about "The skeptics guide to the universe"?

One of the best!!!


I produce and edit a podcast called Humanize Me with Bart Campolo. It's more on the friendly side of atheism. Bart has some great guests on and I like his approach.


+1 for The Thinking Atheist.


Atheist on High.


I like The Thinking Atheist with Seth Andrews and Freethought Radio with Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker.

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