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Oh goody.

Ontario will allow outdoor dining and Greylock them zones


Dyl1983 8 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I eat out almost every day. We're still wearing masks and staying 6-feet apart, but our restaurants are open.


Even though I have had both shots & the 10-days is up on Wednesday, I will Only be dining at places that have considerable fresh air for some time to come...and we have Cold springtimes here! Heated tenting, patios with heaters, or take-out........

Right now I can't justify the expense of restaurant food. A little over a years ago, I was eating out twice a week or more. Times change. The closest I've come is rotisserie chicken from supermarket. Haven't even bought a sandwich in over a year.


They want to give restaurants an opportunity to survive. They are an important part of the economy and employ a lot of people. It's for outdoors now that the weather is getting warmer.

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