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13 commonalities that happy couples are likely to have. A few surprised me:


girlwithsmiles 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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If you've never heard of the Gottman Institute, they've done some really interesting work on couples. They do quantitative studies of body language. They have Ted/ Google talks on youtube.

Oh, I don’t think I have. Thank you.


I noted that the first 'article' came from the Brigham Young University.
Is that the VERY same Brigham Young, co-founder of Mormonism by any chance?

Brigham Young University is a private research university sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and located in Provo, Utah. It was founded in 1975.

Question is....does Magic underwear make a relationship stronger?

@dermot235 Well going by the recent, a year ago, news it does not since the local LDS Preacher was CAUGHT bare arsed whilst 'dipping his wick' in one the members wives.
As it turned out though it was NOT just ONE wife of a Congregation Member but a TOTAL of 3 and NONE of them being HIS wife.
Plus, it was later 'discovered' that HE had also been 'fiddling the books' to the sum of $100,000 + as well.

@Triphid Imagine what that guy would do if he had his own planet to run.

@dermot235 I DREAD to even think of that.


Sounds lovely. Wish I had found it.


Only once a week???

"Only ONCE per week, " what ever happened to the 3 stages of being a Male, i.e. Tri-weekly, Try weekly and Try weakly?

@Triphid You know you are getting old when you are offered sex OR a good foot massage and you have to think about it before you answer.

@dermot235 SEX, what the blaze is that....LOL.
Been so long that my best , closest and life-long friend now only watches as I tie my shoes every day....LOL.

@Triphid Used to be able to do it all night, it takes all night to do it

@dermot235 Was the "All night" with just the one partner or, as I had to 'suffer' as a Male Nurse staying in Nurse's Accommodation an ALL Night on the job type of thing?
Trust me when I say that the tales of 'Horny Female Nurses are most definitely NOT FICTION.

@Triphid I picked the wrong fucking profession it would seem

@dermot235 Perhaps you did, perhaps you didn't,
It depends on how you look at from the perspective of 20-22 year old male though.
8 hour shifts, all you want to do is get back to your room, settle down after a shower and take a well deserved rest up for a spell, but OTHERS have a whole of other things and plans on their minds.
At hospitals back then in 70's when you were on the Emergency O.R. Roster you WERE on Call 24/7 and MUST be housed within walking distance of the Hospital.
Plus many single Nurses opted to stay in the Nurses Accommodation Blocks for both convenient access to work and the cheaper rentals, etc.
At one Hospital I worked in, there were 280 Nurses in the Accommodation Block, 3 were Males and the rest were Females.

Was likewise gobsmacked by the once a month concept! πŸ˜‚

@girlwithsmiles LOL, but what about the old adage of, " Once a King always a King but once a Knight ( nIght ) is more than enough"....LOL.

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