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Within the Atheist/Agnostic community, I see some overlapping agreement on topics as much as I see division. This came up in my social newsfeed, interesting to see how this pans out: Scheduled date is April 23.

MacStriker 7 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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What is UDC?

google knows all...apparently "upper deer creek church"

@bbyrd009 I saw that too. OP claims to be an Atheist. Why post a church link? I just assumed it just had to be something else. I guess all atheists don't have the venomous hatred for religion that I have.

@barjoe hmm well i guess he might stump for the skeptic, but while we're on the subject just bc someone says "this a church" don't mean it fits the right definition either? I'm guessing the "skeptic" is fos too prolly...playing the skeptic i bet

@bbyrd009 I would never even participate in an Atheist community. I go it alone.

@barjoe word. atheists are just diff believers, i reckon

@bbyrd009 disbelivers

@barjoe It's not a church link.

@MacStriker What is UDC?

@barjoe "disbelievers"
meh, most often "believers of diff things" in my experience...

@bbyrd009 I believe in both science and critical thinking., assign that to whatever category you believe in.

@bbyrd009 Speak for yourself. There is no fucking God! Is that believing in different things?

@barjoe I'm not sure, however the event seems to be hosted by TART (The Atheist Round Table)

@MacStriker that sounds good, but in my experience that can easily become a trope used for cover, and in the end just another religion, so to speak? As even Einstein has remarked, facts can only get you so far i guess

@barjoe i would say that that is a "belief" that there is no God? Except that you have stated it gnostically, as an Absolute Truth. "Beliefs" are (supposedly) subject to change, right?

But since i'm here i will say that your beliefs do not condemn you, according to the Bible; if you say "there is no fucking god" but then go on to do selfless things, help orphans and whatever, that is how you will be judged i guess

@bbyrd009 You sound like @DangerDave. Gnostic Atheistism lol. To say that all beliefs are a religion is pure stupidity. Anyone who is fearful enough to believe in fairytales. An almighty deity wouldn't care if I believed in its existence, which I don't. I won't be judged whether I give a shit about orphans or not, I am going to die sometime between now and thirty years. Void. Fade to black. That's the breaks for everybody. If you believe otherwise, that's very Gnostic of you.

@MacStriker Thanks for the link. Didn't mean to start a controversy, just wanted to know want UDC was. This is the last episode. []

@barjoe "To say that all beliefs are a religion is pure stupidity."
well joe, i did not say that though

"An almighty deity wouldn't care if I believed in its existence, which I don't."
ah well i have alrady agreed there, but regardless of our opinions on that matter we could both be wrong too i guess lol

"I won't be judged whether I give a shit about"
well so you say, but i suggest that you are in fact being judged pretty much every time you engage in some action

"...I am going to die sometime between now and thirty years. Void. Fade to black. That's the breaks for everybody. If you believe otherwise, that's very Gnostic of you."
ah, is it? Are you sure? No possibility that you are using that term wrong? But fwiw i'll say that i mostly agree with you, although i don't know...we might fade to light? lol

and i have no prob if someone wants to use the term "gnostic" to mean, what, "believes there is a God" i guess? But wadr it originally meant something else, ppl who speak in absolute truths as if they knew, a know-it-all?

so now "agnostic" has come to mean "gnostic," and "beliefs" now means "absolute truths" for the most part, ha. You insist that there is no God, believers insist that there is...but note that both have clearly defined the God they do or do not "believe in" right

@bbyrd009 You enjoy this endless nonsense. I don't. I don't know exactly what happens in the end. Hopefully I just don't wake up from a nap. It won't matter after it's over. I don't want to spend what time I have left arguing over semantics.

@barjoe "You enjoy this endless nonsense."
ha are you sure? Bc you sound pretty sure there, joe
fwiw i will say that there is an end in mind, although you might not see it, or for that matter you might not be interested in it, no crime in that eh

"I don't."
yet here you are 🙂

"I don't know exactly what happens in the end."
then wadr why make gnos...why make statements of absolute truth as if you did?

"Hopefully I just don't wake up from a nap."
funny you mention that; as adults we are big on putting things in a certain kind of order, yeh? When (it has been suggested) that our dream state is actually closer to "reality?" Remember when you were a little kid, like 3 years old, and life was like a dream? dunno

"It won't matter after it's over."
well if you don't know ezackly what happens in the end, how could you possibly know that, joe?

"I don't want to spend what time I have left arguing over semantics."
yeh, we are all speaking in tongues i guess, but you might notice how at first you maybe don't "get" someone, then you start to after a while? Also--and pls don't take this wrong--but no one is twisting your arm here eh

aight, have a good day, gotta fly

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