Kidnapped Catholic clergy, including French citizens, held for $1 million ransom in Haiti
Let the church pay the ransom. It's their problem.
While this probably makes me a terrible person, I honestly don't care.
I was thinking of paying the takers to keep them. The clergy
@Beowulfsfriend It's hard for me to muster the sympathy for those who get themselves into trouble by going places they really don't need to be.
@OldMetalHead Precisely.
@KKGator I consider myself to be too sane a person to deliberately visit or move to a place where I know there is great hostility towards people like me. Probably why I never visit the southern US unless it's Atlanta or a part of Florida that has lots of transplants from the Northeast. Everywhere else is, to me, just hostile cracker territory. Hell, I even pretty much stay out of rural Iowa, for the same reasons.
While I have no time for those who have been kidnapped, I reckon the kidnappers should be subject to prolonged and extreme torture, and the process recorded and broadcast to the rest of the country.
Wow that's cold. Carry on