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Trump says COVID-19 vaccine should be called Trumpcine


Dyl1983 8 Apr 12

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Is this still April the first. Or has he gone way beyond, "lost it completely" ?


HE should be called obscene!


The virus should be called the Trump virus. If Trump when he and Melania got vaccinated in secret, he may have been able to promote "Trumpcine" if they had taken their shots in public, encouraged use by MAGAts. Many of his misguided followers are sadly going to die because of vaccine reluctance, thousands.


@AnneWimsey Someone's grandpatent, parent, child, sibling...Yes sadly.

@barjoe when this thing started, my neighbor & his wife, drump lovers yet kind & otherwise intelligent, tried to reassure me, it "wasn't going to be any big deal." I still love them to death, but just nodded & smiled & proceeded to build a stockpile of non-perishables & stay the hell home. When somebody passes because they got hit by a bus, I am much sadder for their survivors than i would be for someone who ignored history & all the other warning signs, and believed a proven liar........
IMO if all deaths were met with the same level of sorrow none of us would ever be able to stop crying.

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