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What can I say? 😟

silverotter11 9 Apr 16

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Ahhhh yes, spoils of War, plus racism on top of near obliteration of their culture..

We don't hear much about this in school 😟.

@silverotter11 of course you didn't because the USA continues the process.

@FrayedBear and Australia just love The Aboriginal Proples,eh?

@Charlene Of course they do. Destroy their sacred artifacts & culture every chance they get. I lived for 6 years on one of their burial sites. I very rapidly understood why they chose it as a burial site - being one of the living dead gives you that empathic ability. The dead & I lived in harmony for 6 years then some white bastard ran me over & left me for dead in the road.


Stuff got stolen by many peoples, many countries, from many countries. The difference is that now we know about it.


UK should predicate repatriation these artifacts with the release of foreign journalists being held by Bohari government and addressing human rights violations in Nigeria.

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