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Do you keep stuff from your past relationships?

Jolanta 9 Apr 17

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I get rid of it all.

Mvtt Level 7 Apr 24, 2021

Of course I keep things from past relationships! Memories are all I have.



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 19, 2021

I keep gifts, mostly sexy lingerie. Also a beautiful, red silk robe.

One former boyfriend bought me a smart TV and hooked it up for me. "You're socially deprived," he said. I laughed. Just watch Netflix. He also gave me a camera I use on hikes. Much appreciated.


It depends on the past and present relationship. As we age we build more memories and we should try to preserve those memories. It's a part of who we are. Both in a couple have these memories. Men do the same so it's not just limited to women.


Nope! Except for the dog's ashes, I cannot bring myself to scatter them


I find the under the bed part to be less than credible.


Those are memories be it good or bad.. they were a part of the past. They are reminders of who we loved or lost or let go of, etc. Some make me smile, some make me cry, some just make me think about those times gone by.

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