This was pride, religious pride. A showing off of one's religious dedication.
This was very different from the monk who burned himself in South Vietnam to publicize the repressiveness of the US- supported government. He succeeded because his act increased anti-war sentiment in the US.
The same type of act can have very different motivations.
Everyone being so skeptical of this story. It’s not unbelievable. In The Art of Happiness, the Dalai Lama talks about a monk who took his life after a conversation with him - in an attempt to reach a higher spiritual level.
Hey, this dude might not have been grounded in reality, but at least he had the courage of his conviction. It may be better than the hypocrites in office who “represent” the religious right - here in the U.S. of A.
The truth is you cannot evoke upon an old soul!!!
Too too many want to rush their given situation which results in insanity and early death!!!
You can not rush the natural order!!!
That is So Not anything Buddhism teaches, nor is Buddha a god that needs to be pleased. Methinks you like to post racist Lies.
Hello Anne, This is a report taken from UK Home Daily Mail, 20-4-21 I thought it was a bit drastic,
but how many others have lost their heads due to too much religious brain washing.
My brother committed suicide due to over studying brethren bullshit.
Regards Alan
UK Home Daily Mail 20-4-21 Redhog.
@radishes2, @FearlessFly thanks
It seems that to ascend spiritually, if such a thing is possible, being alive would be a prerequisite.
I mean if the process kills you fine, but setting your ass on fire or beheading yourself seems a bit much, or is that just me?
@FearlessFly what a fucking asshole!