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Well, I finally moved, and now the unpacking, will probably take me five years, but heck who s in any hurry.

Jolanta 9 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I have only moved nine times as an adult. It's always a great opportunity to get rid of the stuff you don't really need. As time goes on you gather so much stuff.

I hope you're happy with your new home.


I had no idea you were such an optimist!


Moving next month will be my 30th as an adult. I'm a pro. And unpacking is pretty fast for me.

I moved a lot as a kid, but mostly helped others move as an adult. Wow, 30x that’s a

@GoodMan My ex did military contracting....there were times I only unpacked one plate, etc for each person and left the rest in boxes.


Moving is never fun.

So true. Especially when you’re moving the heavy stuff.


I could sell my house for a big profit. I'm too lazy. I'm staying. One day somebody will walk by and it'll smell bad.

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