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Michigan is experiencing a huge increase in Covid among younger people.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 25

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Once vaccines are approved for young children,laws must be passed that say that a child MUST be vaccinated BEFORE they will be permitted to enroll in any school == public or private. We do that for other diseases -- measles, mumps. smallpox , etc.

I would like to see the NCAA require them in order for athletes to participate in games.

The Christian Right wants their freedom. Freedom to die. Let them. Only problem is they spread the virus.


I don't understand why Biden has denied accelerated vaccine distribution that Gov Whitmer has asked for. They should go for first shot first strategy that lowered the curve in UK.

The shots are now open for all over 16. People, mostly the tRump followers aren't getting them. It isnt a lack of product; it is a lack of enough getting it.

Where did you get that idea about Biden???? Right now All my major TV channels (mostly NYC area, and New England) are running PSA about how anyone over 16 can call (& should!) get the vaccine, with a phone# & website to contact free providers

@AnneWimsey I got the idea from this.
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@barjoe the ads are running on Fox, too.......ROFLMAO!

@AnneWimsey I don't watch Fox. I just gave you links that weren't paywalled. So she asked for extra vaccine and was denied. What the stories don't say is, she wanted federal clearance to give first doses first and have people wait for second doses. UK has done this, with great success to flatten the curve. Michigan is desperate.

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