I really don't know what this is about but it's been bouncing around in my head a lot lately. i keep trying to remind myself, during times of disappointment or frustration in humanity's self destruction, that we are a species in our beginnings. like 2 year olds, we think we know it all and act like it, but we understand squat about this universe we live in. our arrogance is only surpassed by our ignorance.
We are a two year old who is trying to raise itself.
Tarzan taught himself to read! Buncha slackers nowadays.......
But not trying very hard.
I agree and I'll add that that it's a variation of a complaint I have about our modern attitudes. We put far too much emphasis on 'winning'.
In our capitalist world, it's not enough just to win, the other side must lose.
Throughout most of history we have struggled to survive. If we failed we could literally die out and become extinct at any time. In that context a hyper-competitive short-term winning-is-the-only-thing attitude is at least defensible if not reasonable.
But now we are the dominant species on the planet.
If we don't very soon adopt more mature long-term sustainable approaches to managing our situation we will finally lose our survival contest and disappear shortly (rather than later as is of course inevitable anyway).
I can't recall who said it but it has been claimed that we as a species who are at this point in time trying to describe the wonders of the universe using a communications system designed originally to yell at the monkey in the next tree to stop throwing his shit at us.
We as a species know a lot more than we as a culture let on.
People that condemn the CDC for saying that mask weren't necessary on day one of the pandemic but later said mask would save your life will never comprehend the concept of a feedback loop nor how never changing your mind because of a religious view like "the rapture" or "trickle down" are bad.
Thinking is better than "going with your gut", if you have a counselor say "trust your gut" your gut should be screaming run the fuck away!
I think we understand the earth and our place in it fairly well bu our greed and selfishness will be our undoing. We are like lemmings running towards destruction but our cliff edge is overpopulation, habitat destruction, species annihilation and denial of the effects of climate change.