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Logic smite!

Basem 7 May 1

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Ah! Against all proof, Indiana is heaven! Anyone that high probably lives a few blocks from me. There's a reason I call it Munchie, Indiana...


This is exactly how they are. I've even seen posts where believers are laughing because we non-believers are "taking logic and evidence" classes somewhere. Truth flies right over their heads.


I wonder why the moron had to rebuke Satan in the name of J.C. Can't a Christian rebuke Satan all by himself?


Dude, you don't know the first thing about logic! For if you did, then you might apply some of it to your illogical belief system! What I have found over the years, is that religious zealots are never very smart, because to the degree that people are smart, the less and less they buy into this belief crap instead of relying upon facts and logic in their life.
If some religious zealot or fanatic ever stopped to think too long and hard about their chosen religious doctrines, they would see right through them due to all of the holes and throw them away!


dude! you're funny!

I used to think that, but I know some REALLY intelligent, highly logical, people who are faithful believers. I do not pretend to understand how this can happen.

Your comment is too general. I personally know a MENSA member who is religious, and I also know a well respected M.D. who is religious.


This guy has some serious issues.


I’ve had this same conversation!! 🤣🤣🤣


Dear chicken paint you shouldn't have blocked it or he blocked it, I don’t know, but that’s the least important thing you should have done is like here acting progressively at each level, asshole, how to ask sarcastically in your mind, "and where and what they did with the candles "," and that "story" or "biblical" passage of "... even if I walk under the $ valley $ of the shadows, you will not fear any harm because you are with me. (look, you have to now. to pass in the name of "Jéguisus" ) 😁😀😃😄😆😅😂😉😎😚😙😘😗😍🙄😨😲


@JeffMurray IKR



Ditto!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“discussion” lol, priceless
guy just only asked you a question, right?
plus, when someone uses “thee” i would always
Always, always recommend running! If the bad definition of “Church” isn’t enough, I mean

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