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One of my favorite singers of all time was also a rule breaker who proved that love matters more than race. She also proved that the fifth time is a charm. Louis Belson was her last husband and they were married 38 years.


Lorajay 9 May 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I firmly believe that no one should let friends, family or community dictate who they should love.

Unity Level 8 May 17, 2021

Glad they found happiness; so few truly do.


I have several friends that found true love on number 4. I never found number 4.

Keep looking!


My neighbor is on her 5th marriage for 25 years now....5th time's def a charm!!!!

I have an acquaintance who is on number 6. All his predecessors died. I think it took guts to marry her.

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