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The Church of Scientology is not really a church. There are no services. No prayers.No baptisms. And you have to pay up the wazoo to “Go clear.So it’s not a church.

Jproad 5 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Many years ago while walking one day on London's Tottenham Court Road, I was approached by a pretty young woman as I drew level with the Church of Scientology building. She asked me if I would like to come inside for a free ' stress test, ' I told her that there was no point because there is not a single atom in the universe that is not undergoing some degree of stress. Pupils dilated she stared at me and I walked on my way.


Maybe you could find yourself a fun productive hobby?


It is a pretty low brow church maybe. But it all depends on how you define the word church. I would define it as. Any organization which promotes itself by claiming, authority based only on faith. That fits.

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