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So typical. So common. A friend just posted news about her son's medical condition. He's 11 or 12 and has had seizures fairly regularly all his life. He has an implanted device that helps control them, but it's not a complete solution. He has to be home schooled or the public school has to have an aide with him at all times with the device's controller. The last seizure was very serious, and he was in the hospital for weeks.

But now, a new medication seems to be working. Praise GOD!

FFS. Didn't god GIVE him this condition?! Isn't god deliberately WITHHOLDING a cure? Isn't the boy's suffering part of his plan? It's so frustrating and maddening.

carlyhorton 7 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Praise the Lord who heapeth shit upon people! Rejoice in the bigotry, intollerance and injustice done in his holy name! Honour how children have been terrified by tales of fire, brimstone and eternal agony!

And admire the vast selection of truly spectacular hats worn by religious leaders.


I feel the same way about when someone says something was meant to be, but only things that turn out to be favorable to us. Those things that leave us scarred and hurting are just mysteries or explained away as flaws from our "fallen" world condition.


I understand your frustration BUT... this is how I feel about peoples personal grief "whatever gets them through". I also hate to see/hear all the pile on gawd praises but again, if it comforts the family then let it go.

I have a very dear friend who has Parkinson's. Her religion gives her comfort and I would never deny her that comfort. My biggest issue with this comfort is that it also comes with questions of "why me", "why am I being punished" and like that, which is torment IMO. However, I don't say anything except secular comforting words.

Send her your secular support and let it go. I feel your pain though.

Leelu Level 7 May 30, 2021

Praise God! My life is so fucked up I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground, and the best thing of all, I don't have to think or be responsible for the dumb shit things that happen to me or that I do. Jesus will make all better!....


ah well why do you think the boy is having seizures in the first place?


Praise the instigator of the problem , stupid

bobwjr Level 10 May 30, 2021

There is no reasoning with believers, they believe blindly unfortunately, for we who see very well it is extremely frustrating!


This is promising for sure but I'm trying to figure out what a god had to do with it. Nothing that I can see. If you believe in such gods consider that important medical and forensic information has only come to humans in the last 100 years or less. God is not reliable.

It was the friend who was praising god. Not me. She posted to praise god that her son's new medication was working, and I found that absurd.


CBD oil has been working wonders for so many people with seizures. Perhaps worth looking into.

Am a holistic Chiropractor over 45 years and nutrition autodidact for 60years. For what it is worth. a seizure is a triggered set of nerve firings in the brain. Certainly there can be a genetic or epigenetic piece to this, but absolutely consider the environment including exposure to heavy metals and chemicals and what are called lectins in food especially gluten. Read Grain Brain by Dr Perlmutter and eat a low sugar/carb diet. I would consume some MCT oil daily. Do not eat peanuts, cashews, or GMO corn or GMO soy products in any form. Avoid trans fats like the plague. Trans fats cause cell membranes to leak, which could trigger a seizure. One of the worst is canola oil which is in every commercial mayo and salad dressing. Even Whole Foods Market uses Canola oil in all their prepared foods.


I've asked that question so many times and I always get the same answer "God works in mysterious ways".

You can't fix stupid.

One day, my aging dad fell off the carport roof and "only" broke his foot and wrist. He said that because Jesus was with him, he didn't fare worse. My head was screaming "didn't Jesus just throw you off a roof?!"

@carlyhorton i know it's crazy. Some friends of mine had a very sick child also, and fortunately they were able to cure him through a hugely expensive procedure at no charge because they had good insurance.

Their comment : "Thank God for curing him". My response: "Don't you mean thank Blue Cross?"

@TheoryNumber3 Totally backwards, right? Diseases and maladies that are hard to explain are natural, but the cures that can be explained are supernatural.


The God of the Gaps? No, the God of the Fictions!

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