Name something women should stop doing.
We are already perfect in our own way. ????.
Wholey agree in your own way.
giving a darn what other people think they should stop doing or start doing.
Giving their power away.
Answering online surveys about what they should stop doing...
I wish both genders could just be who they are without trying to impress others. Which may mean I’m alone for the rest of my life. But I would rather find that one person who loves me for who I am, flaws and all, than love me for me pretending to be someone I’m not.
Could not agree more.
Thats not fair !
Would that I could.
Hmmm my family still thinks the washer is a broken tele sitting in the corner of the kitchen, if I didn't do laundry no one would.
@VAL3941 you asked......
@AnneWimsey I was not complaining, but job that must be done by both sexes, unless you can afford a maid ?
Shame other women. We should stick together and stop trying to bring each other down.
I don't know about other women, but I need to stop saying yes to things I don't want to do. I need to stop trying to take care of everyone else, and I need to stop beating myself up for being imperfect.
@VAL3941 Really?
@Browneyedlady I agree, it is something you shouldn't do !
Cutting down other women and calling them names because of some dude or anything else for that matter. There is enough of that going on in the world today, we don't need to do that to each other.
Over-filtering their pics on dating sites and social media! It just makes you look like you're made of plastic, lol! Would much rather see the real face.
This bothers me too. If you are a woman posing with your daughter and you look so much younger than your daughter who is half your age ,we all know something's up anyway!
But sometimes it is a necessity !
@VAL3941 I don't think you understand what a neccesity is. Also you're gross.
Plastic surgery - why change your body?
Stop trying to be something your not just because someone says to, just be yourself and damn the consequences.
They like being something they are not ?
@VAL3941 Advertising and pop culture try to tell women how to dress, how to look, how to act. It's all a fantasy created by the male dominated advertising culture. It says that if you don't meet these expectations then you are unworthy and have failed not only yourself but women everywhere. The goals male society places on women are unrealistic and nearly impossible to achieve except for a select few and for a short period of time.
It is not as much what they should stop doing as what they should start doing. It is about action, not inaction. If a person stops doing something he or she must replace it with another action. Men and women alike should start focusing on finding something for which they have a passion and pursue it vigorously. By profession, I am a substance abuse counselor and worked for six and a half years with adolescents. The one thing that I asked them that left them speechless was “name one thing about which you are passionate”. The number one response was “I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it”. I gave them a homework assignment. I told them to come back the next Day ready to tell me at least one thing that they are passionate about. The transformation was amazing - and that was just from THINKING about it. We all need to find something for which we have a passion. Something that brings us joy and contributes in a positive way to the life of men, women, children, animals, and this planet. Then pursue that passion as if we are going to die tomorrow. In a nutshell, we all need to fill that hole deep within ourselves with passion and find purpose in our lives.
Long answer to a simple question but point taken !
The same work for less money.
I already work for so luttle they would have to do it for free.
Women should avoid posting their personal problems on social sites....your personal problem requires personal solutions....Not a social attention?