The Hodgetwins, also known as the Conservative Twins, are an American stand-up comedy and conservative political commentary duo consisting of twins Kevin Hodge and Keith Hodge.
Hodgetwins – Complete Profile: Height, Weight, Biography
Life and accomplishments of Keith and Kevin Hodge
Aiman ZubairbyAiman Zubair July 9, 2020
#conservative #Blacks #Hodgetwins #physicalfitness #politics
And your point is?
I was a reference librarian for years. It is informative. No slant. I will admit that I am interested in the the profiles of emerging Black conservatives. I am also fascinated by the age and youth of these Black conservatives.
@LaDizdeOdd They're 45. There's no mention of their religious positions but American cons are usually Christian. That's why you got the responses you did to this post. Are you very familiar with this guy?
@LovinLarge - It is hard not to be familiar with the one man who claims that that highest IQ ever was/is/will be from Africa. I have watched his science shows. I like his "Make America Smart Again" counter to MAGA. I HATE TRUMP! I HATED HIS FATHER. Is there a connection?