37 13

Are you all ready for April 23rd???
And you thought TAX DAY was stressful. 😛


MikeInBatonRouge 8 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Let’s just hope those dirty liburills don’t stop it they way they’ve done so many times before.


Has anyone's rapture or end of the world predictions ever coime true? Why do peopel give these nuts attention?


The world is ending....again? seriously? hahaha


You know that sooner or later someine is going to nail the date for the end of the world in a prediction, if they just keep making predictions.


Initially I did not get the drift of April 23. Then it dawned on me...oh, right, the latest date for rapture to happen. I, for one, wish that the damn thing would happen already, get those morons out of the way so the rest of us can get back to engaging with reality.


I, for one, could not care less ...


I’m reference to doomsday?


there are many answers, but only one truth, Death comes to us all,


Every day is the end of the world for many, Why wait, beat the rush all you true believers


Great time to get rid of those troublesome Christians


Reverse rapture:

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