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Something to discuss.

MrDragon 7 June 23

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Does the possibility frighten you?


"Something to discuss" on The Woo Channel, maybe........

I guess I should have said something to discuss or maybe not.

@MrDragon tere we prefer actual Facts, this ain't Facebook, thankgawd!

@AnneWimsey Oh my, excuse me. such an attitude considering all the stupid shit that I have read here.
Fuck off.

@MrDragon what a charming person you are!
I worked in a shipyard for 13 years, your pathetic excuse for repartee is not impressing me

@AnneWimsey phhhhhs

@AnneWimsey Just as charming as you.

@MrDragon ooohhhh, mature, too

@AnneWimsey glad you notice, how novel of you.


What a crock of shit! What scientist are those?

barjoe Level 9 June 23, 2021

Did you follow the resources that were presented, they give the scientists names.

@MrDragon the word " scientists" should have been in quotes! In every part of this post

@AnneWimsey should of could of whatever you don't give a shit so why bother.

@MrDragon I care deeply about the spreading of nonsensical CRAP that is ruining this country. Thanks for being part of the problem

@MrDragon Why would you post a mystical website on an atheist message board? Do you consider paranormal investigators to be scientists? How about astrologers. I consider them all to be charlatans.

@AnneWimsey your welcome, as If you can change anything. Now that is rich.

@AnneWimsey, @barjoe so, you judge the info by a web page?

@MrDragon I personally don't have any interest in mysticism because it's complete and total bullshit. If you like stuff like that, it's all good. Good for you. When you post some happy horseshit that purports itself to have some scientific basis of fact, that's when I lash out.

@barjoe what makes it bs? are you a physist?

@MrDragon There is no fucking God. When the oxygen leaves your brain...fade to black. You're brainwaves cease. It's over. The body decomposes. Soon it will be as if you were never on this earth. We don't have a soul. There is no life after death.

@barjoe didn't say anything about a God. lol

@MrDragon It all goes hand in hand with the life after death and soul thing.

@barjoe no, I why should it?? I wasn't raised in any religion at all. And as far as I am concerned god isn't even in the equation.
I think the problem here is that everyone is still fighting against the religion they were raised in and there is a block to looking outside the box to find answers. I am still curious and want to know. Sorry, you all are not.

@MrDragon I'm resigned to the fact that this is all we get. I don't need any explanation. We can't change the facts. I just don't want to hear someone who claims to be a scientist, give false "evidence" to try and "prove" their spiritual beliefs.

@barjoe perhaps you're right, however, I am open to consider possibilities.

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