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Andrew Giuliani Cries About Rudy's License Getting Suspended! I Laughed My Ass Fucking Off! Boo Hoo Androo!

barjoe 9 June 24

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Whiny little pussy boy.


so what its gulianni that hurt America and its all about the money he can rake in and his ability is now stopped


Maybe if You had thrown a net over Dear Daddy when he started acting demented, you could have actually helped him, instead of Using him as he taught you....


Genetics are a bitch! 😂


He supports the depoliticization of the judiciary as long as the judges are Republicans.



Cult 45 believes their crimes should go without punishment. Take them all down. They're all guilty of an attempted coup

Unity Level 8 June 24, 2021

Aw, Andrew's angwy. Politicization no longer feels so gweat, eh, Andrew? Poor boy. Lying is an interesting charge as it might void his attorney/client relationship. AmIright, Andrew? Shouldn't you apologize to any Judge Davis whom you've just smeared, Andrew? You might also want to think about renting an office rather than working out of parking lots, Andrew.

When he loses the gubernatorial election in NY State, he's hoping to get a job at Four Season's Landscaping.


Rudy did things "by the book"?

Andrew, don't waste your time identifying the book.

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