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Has anyone ever successfully and convinced someone who thinks it is not properly vetted to take the covid vaccination?

If you have succeeded at this task, please share how you did it.

Lorajay 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I haven't even attempted to

Unity Level 8 June 28, 2021

I have been unsuccessful in convincing any of my hard core anti-vax friends. I too would love to hear a success story strategy.


Wow, it's seems most everyone has been well indoctrinated and deeply program to trust their live with Government and become Big pharma citizen.

Not on my life.


You cannot see them, at all, nor allow your loved ones to be around them, until they do. Period.
It is the only responsible thing to do! You thus respect their choice but take charge of your (literal!) Life!

I did that until the CDC said I could go out without a mask.

@Lorajay still not going into stores without a mask,despite both shots over 2 months ago.. & CT okaying it. .I have No Idea where you have been, stranger...


People who haven't gotten it by this point are going to be a tough nut to crack. Some of them will get infected and spread the virus. Sort of like getting vaccinated. Sadly.

barjoe Level 9 June 27, 2021

I also feel that many of them can't give in because then they would lose face and admit they were wrong.

I know this is a tabloid paper but I think it offers some good advice and I'm going to try it on my friend who won't get a covid shot."This 350-year-old trick can help you change someone’s mind" []

@Lorajay Some people will never come around. I think it will top off at 65% if we're lucky. The Delta variant might take care of another 5-10%.

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