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I was reading posts on my Face Book page, when I came across this gem, I did farmers markets with this lady. We were both local vendors. This is, unfortunately the mindset of my local populace.

*"Thought on this ( be nice) If your church preaches that Jesus was not born of a virgin, or the Red Sea did not part, that Jonah was not actually swallowed by a whale, or if your church recognizes homosexuals and lesbians as equals, and does not condemn it as sin, you had better get out. No one or nothing should be put ahead of God. There is no mediator between man and almighty god except Jesus."

misstuffy 7 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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If the god of the bible really existed, he wouldn't be worth worship

totally agree, so far as I can tell, he is far more evil than satan we are all taught is so bad.


gotta wonder what “church” that would be anyway huh?


Religitards gonna religitard


This is what they have been told their whole lives and its hard to dissuade them from this robot thinking. However, if more people around her were willing to admit their secularism and show her that we are not the evil people she may think we are. The only real change comes from experience and meeting others with a different mindset can be a part of her experience.


I have never come across such religious nutters anywhere in the world but the US and I have done quite a bit of traveling, not even in Islamic countries.


Said lady is clearly a mental defective.


An you claim to be an atheist? What evidence do you have for a god or jesus?

Misstuffy was showing us what someone in her area put on Facebook to give us an idea of the people she has around her. It is not her own personal view. At least that is what i took from what I read.

I am not the one making those claims. Go back and read the post. the part about God and Jesus was from the lady I was at the farmers markets with, NOT ME!

@Budgie You are quite correct. These views are nonsense in my opinion. I do not believe in false gods and all of them are either false or aliens posing as gods, the latter far more believable to me,

@misstuffy I reread it, sorry my bad.

@xenoview what evidence do you have for no God or Jesus tho?

@bbyrd009 I reject the claim there is a god. Do you have evidence there is a god?

@xenoview The lack of real provable evidence for a god leads one to conclude there is no God. The claims made that all one has to do is ask for something and it will be given, has been proven a lie over and over and over.

@xenoview hey, you don't have to answer my questions if you don't want to 🙂

but we do have the testimony of witnesses whose veracity was unquestionable at the time
not that i take their testimony literally anyway

and no, i have no “evidence” that there is a God, but then i don’t believe that Yah “exists” anyway; you “exist,” right, and i exist.

What is the “objective evidence” for our existence?
I might ask, of someone who actually replied to questions

@misstuffy “The lack of real provable evidence for a god leads one to conclude there is no God”
well wadr (with all due respect) that is a pretty dangerous stance; the lack of real provable evidence for black swans led others to the same conclusions about them? “Absence of evidence is not…” etcetc
Although that is just the standard argument, and i don’t ascribe to it much; im more interested in “does something have to exist to be real?” these days…

“The claims made that all one has to do is ask for something and it will be given, has been proven a lie over and over and over”
hmm, never contemplated that angle, and a search of the sentence returns gibberish, so i did some other phrases and discovered that what you say is true, but so is the opposite. Im minded that we are talking about esoteric things, immaterial things, that we might ask for, while many prolly attempt to gain physical items via that path…which i guess can also be done, if the whole passage is regarded? Iow you can almost surely get anything, even material, if you seek it hard enough/long enough?

beware of things that are “proven” imo
ntmy btw 🙂

@bbyrd009 I did answer your question you little troll. I'll answer it again, I have lack of believe in any god.

@xenoview ok, my apologies then, have a nice day


So, Gnostics misunderstand pretty obvious allusions, and make definitive, absolute statements concerning them, but you might see how this is to your benefit?

I never knew she was this wacked out when our booths were next to one another.

@misstuffy ah, ppl are quite suggestible, and she has just unfortunately heard first from the very ppl the Bible condemns; the religious


People like this post really stupid, annoying shit. Then they stand back, read it and pronounce it as some kind of Powerful Wisdom. Because they can

twill Level 7 July 4, 2021

Those people have been eating too many Dunning Kruger pills.


Gave up on those types years ago - very little hope.

oh, don’t most religious ppl mature out of that? Over 50% anyway? I haven’t kept track there, but seems to me

@bbyrd009 I was flabbergasted by the list of BS she expects people to believe

@misstuffy well, you could always Quote some Bible at her,
No son of man may die for another's sins
No one has ever gone up to heaven
There is only One Immortal
All go to the same place

etc, but don't count on her appreciating those 🙂

@bbyrd009 I chose not to interact at all now that I know she is off the deep end.

@bbyrd009 One of my favorite arguments as a child was if God created us, then WHO created God? They cannot answer it because they insist we could not exist without a God to create us, I say the same argument holds true for their God as well, that someone else created him, and someone them and on down the line, the endless line

@misstuffy strikes me as possibly evading a meaningful point, but ok; i don't know myself 🙂

@misstuffy “ I chose not to interact at all now that I know she is off the deep end”
anyway, can’t say i blame you, but i could mention how handy it is that her judgemental attitude is brought out by her “religion” right

A gnostic mind, who can change it?


Dumb people post dumb stuff. There is no mediator between man and almighty god except for what preachers and cultists tell you. They do it all the time and they differ all the time. There. I've corrected it.

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