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Doctors are kinky; they always make you pee.

I went to my kidney doctor today, in my wheelchair. One way trip is an hour. About 40 minutes into the ride, I came across bridge construction, of the sidewalk. These construction guys mobbed me, stopped traffic, made ramps down and up curbs, across the center divider and to the other side. They were great. Then the doctor said we had been meeting too often, no more than once a year from now on. It hurt my feelings, but he's the doctor. I took a slightly different way back home,and didn't have any detours.

EdEarl 8 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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You should be glad! No more fighting construction and traffic! And, the doctor must see improvement, so you are on your own for now. That must make you feel good?

Didn't think of it as fighting construction traffic. They just helped me across the street. I am happy the doctor only wants to see me once a year. I was being silly when I said he hurt my feelings. I did post in Silly and Random Fun.

@EdEarl I read too much into evrrything...


My Rad Oncologist said same to me..once a year now..awesome! Congrats!

Ty and congrats to you too.

@EdEarl your very much welcome Ed..and t.y..

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