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What does everyone think about that new study that make pose the question of whether or not there was civilization tens of millions of years before us?

DanDanDanDan 3 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I have proof....

?? not da mama


I dismiss it as just speculative nonsense. It is easy and doesn't take any intelligence to make a claim for anything you can possibly imagine in a human brain and people do it all the time. That is how religion started.

@Druvius but there’s that new theory that science is just a dream and that the universe is just a drop of water on the spoon of some other being stiring their coffee! Seriously; I read it somewhere and it was research and science and stuff (they even had white lab coats on!) 😉

@Druvius No, it's not science and it's not even close to how science works. Science follows the scientific method, it doesn't present an answer and then cherry pick "evidence" to fit it.

@Druvius No, it's not science and it's not even close to how science works. Science follows the scientific method, it doesn't present an answer and then cherry pick "evidence" to fit it.


There being no evidence to suggest such a civilization existed on Earth, it's become more a study to determine what kind of evidence OUR civilization might leave behind which could be discoverable millions of years from now.
I have one word for you: plastics.



So they doubt that there has been, 'civilisation' but are putting forwards a hypothesis of things that may prove it if it had happened? Well clearly if it did they were more sucessful at being sustainable than us if they have gone undetected all this time 😉


Has it been peer reviewed?


It's more of a mental exercise not a study. There's no evidence to suggest there were civilizations on earth before humans.

JimG Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

It's all conjecture. There is no evidence for it. It's a nice little thing to ponder on a rainy Sunday afternoon, but that's it.


Whilst tens of millions of years ago, isn’t very long ago, it’s still a magnitude of time greater than the 120,000 years odd that Homisapiens have been around. It’s an even smaller amount of time before Homosapiens had anything that could be called a civilisation.

Any “evidence” in this un-cited “study”?


Highly Skeptical since there is No Fossile Evidence of the sort you would need.


I'm going to need more proof than a "study".


On Earth? If such a civilization had existed, we would have found evidence.


They are studying the question whether or not.

Rosh Level 7 Apr 19, 2018

Bound to create conflict.


There have been hominins for a few million years, but none that could create a civilisation. I can readily accept some civilisations in the 10s of thousands of years range. Maybe a rudimentary hunter gatherer civinisation of primates about 2 million years back, I seriously doubt it though.
10s of millions of years, no way.


The Flintstones of course.


What study? Conducted by whom or what group? What did id say?


Here is the source


It's nothing new. Theosophists have believed in such things for a long time.


How is going to change rest of my life?

@Sealybobo My life already been in jeopardy more than once and now I am happy to say I don't watch tv.


What jlynn37 wrote - better than anything I could have - he's spot on.


That seems highly improbable. Evidence would great.


@DanDanDanDan -- What new study is that? Where can I find it?

[] Here ya go

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