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I’m not going to begin to guess how much Branson and Bezos have spent on their selfish quests!?
Hard to imagine what all those resources could have done to prepare for or prevent climate change!? 🤔

Aaron70 8 July 31

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All with money from NOT paying any taxes. Thanks to President Unmentionable. His name is far too obscene.

Stop calling that orange shitstain a president! Please and thank you!!! 👀


What could they do to significantly reduce climate change? (squat)

I’m not even gonna reply to your ignorant comment.😉

@Buck Because you can't. Let me help: carbon capture, no - decades away; fusion - also decades away so no; nuclear, no - still produces hazardous waste with no disposal path; solar, no - not without population control and decades away from hydrogen infrastructure, wind, no - same as solar; zero-point energy, no - it's too dangerous (to the oil companies).


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