Stupid is contagious too. The stupid are easy to pick out in large crowds without talking to them. Do not approach the stupid as they are volatile and dangerous. The stupid may carry a Gun and suffer from Mask Rage!!! Stay back at least 6 feet and more if you can...
My granddaughter has joined their ranks. She became stupid by believing that Trump both liked and hated everything that she did. I guess she believed all the rallies. Lately she seems to believe that Ronny Jackson, Trump's White House doctor, has some incites into Biden's health that he is blabbing about on TV. Well, only if Jackson is also Biden's doctor. Now she has sent me a message that she is going to provide proof for what she says. People saying things does not make the things they say true. Sorry.
So sad for her.....
While she at it, ask her to provide proof for god, for aliens, for fairies and pixie dust.
Here we contain them in the "Conservative Atheists" group.