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FISHING. I wonder if I am the only one who notices things like this.

I have a friend I have known since age 12 and he recently told me he liked fishing. The problem is that I have never known him to go fishing or just be fishing. Another man I know makes similar claims and he had a boat that he could take to the Lake of the Ozarks for fishing. Somehow he never did that and I thought he was even too poor to have a boat. Last Saturday they buried my brother in law. In the obit it was claimed that he really liked fishing. Not in the time I knew him.

Something is wrong here. Is it just the Jesus thing? You know, where Jesus said I will make you fishers of men. I know some people really do like to fish but that is not true in any of the examples I gave. What is going on ?

DenoPenno 9 Aug 11

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It may be that they just like tbe idea of being able to do it. Like the way I like sex 😅😅


they might also have just got the impression that “real men like to fish” or whatever eh

Never a shortage of No True Scotsman fallacies being used by idiots.


You can like something you don't get to do often or even at all. I love roller-coasters and going down on women (not at the same time) but rarely if ever do either.

You have never tried going down on a woman on a roller coaster?

@Word Only in one of those little basket rides that takes you across the park real slow.


I don’t see the problem. If they said they go fishing a lot, and didn’t, then that would be a conflict, but there are lots of things I like to do that I don’t actually do very often.

skado Level 9 Aug 11, 2021

Oh, you beat me to it.

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