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No one owes you a thing! You are responsible for yourself...enough said.

NotConvinced 7 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Owes? Odd choice of words. The reality is that we are a tribal species and only exist because our ancestors worked together and cared for each other. I feel really sorry for anyone that rejects that heritage and has to redefine reality in terms of "owing" or "not owing." That kind of thinking is usually outgrown by the age of 5 or 6.

Don Level 5 Apr 19, 2018

Religion, by and large, teaches people that they are special (just like everyone else!) and that life owes them something. At least, lack of tragedy and illness and poverty and loneliness and the other many forms of misery in the world.

So I agree on that level -- no invisible sky wizard is going to rescue anyone, no matter how they "behave" according to the deity's alleged rule-set.

It is of course possible to behave in a completely responsible and self-directed manner and still have unfortunate things happen to you that you have little or no control over. And it's arguable that even people who have got themselves into trouble deserve some level of compassion and empathy. In fact it's kind of bizarre to have to even make that argument, as it seems self evident. But we've been flogging the myth of the Rugged Individualist for most of our existence as a nation, so people think they have no moral obligation to help the disadvantaged or weak -- that they deserve what they have, and that you are in a better place because of your brilliance and character and dumb luck plays no role whatsoever.

This, too, has been cultivated and curated largely by religion.


Yup, however it sometimes takes several years for the person to understand this and sometimes the person never learns and becomes a problem for society.

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