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For some of us though, openly admitting to being atheist could cause problems or even be flat out dangerous-

SpikeTalon 9 Aug 12

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Western Pennsylvania here. I have only come to the realization that I'm at atheist in the past 20 years. I don't try to hide it, but I don't broadcast it unless it comes up in conversation. I don't like it when Bible thumpers go on and on about their religion, so I don't go on and on about my atheism. If it's brought up in casual conversation I just matter a factly say that yeah, I'm pretty much an atheist now. And if they ask me how that came about, I explain it in a calm matter of fact way.

@SpikeTalon , I hear you. More darn church spiers in this town than you can shake a stick at. Buying up all the real estate, but not paying taxes on that real estate. Pisses me off. My sister lives out in your neck of the woods, catasauqua.


I didn't advertise it at work because I live in a dumbshit bible belt state. But I didn't keep it a secret. I don't care what they think. They're freakin nuts anyway


Been there. Many communities organizations I have been around treat, marginalize or even ostracize others that say they do not believe in any God.
I was raised Buddhist, there are no god(s) in Buddhism which many still don't understand.b There are so many ways to divide us, this is just another way those who don't want dissenting opinions.


i just told my cousin yesterday that our meme dislikes me because im Atheist

its sad cuz i know she loves me alot


As an atheist, I will support/stand with a fellow atheist. However I only support peaceful and intelligent behavior. I'm not afraid of being in the minority.

Well said


Unlike the guy in the story, I don't think any of the priests I used to know are still alive, so that's one awkward exit I don't have to deal with.


I am a white guy working in a liquor store in the ghetto. Why in the hell would I worry about being atheist? 😛


I think , like most things in life , depends what do u have to lose . Safety ? Love ? Freedom ? Money ? Humans ?
Everybody weights the outcome of such bravery .
Except the ones that have nothing to lose .
Or are ok w losing it all .


I only discuss my non- belief when asked.

Unity Level 8 Aug 13, 2021

Thank you. Now, when it comes to love, you won't be able to shut me up.

Same here brother. Most christians just look at us as sub human or something....🙄

IwhT do you consider being adked?

Is it asked when you are asked join in a prayer?
Is it asked at a sporting event when in the locker room you are asked to take a knee and a prayer recited?

I was once told silence is compliance and when researching I found ,MARTIN NIEMÖLLER: "FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE SOCIALISTS...


I don't worry about anyone knowing I'm an atheist. I don't hide it.

Everyone is different though.

I do have to admit that I'm I Dudest priest...

@SpikeTalon I honestly don't worry about it.
If anyone has a problem with it, they've never had the intestinal fortitude to confront me about it.


Especially here in the Deep South! Bible country....

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