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August 13th- Lefthanders' Day. Happy Klutz Day!

Thank you, thank you, while I put a fresh band-aid on my right hand that I burnt on the frying pan.
Onward and upward in my quest to rearrange my kitchen to suit me and not the rest of the world.
10% of us are lefties.

Spinliesel 9 Aug 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I write (and eat) RH, but everything else LH.

I have never understood how anyone can play golf RH, but hockey LH. ! 😛



Learn to be like me - ambidextrous - meaning I am equally inept with either hand.

Yes, luckily I severely sprained my right wrist as an 11 year old, and discovered I was ambi
My brother was a true lefty & took so much crap from our father about it, I might never have even tried it. (It was damned handy building submaries!)

@AnneWimsey Very useful in cramped spaces when having to make a hole in concrete using a star chisel and 4ib hammer.
Being equally inept with either hand meant that both my thumbs were bruised, impartially!!

@AnneWimsey Torn ligament right arm for me

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