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I see no evidence for the existence of God or Deities, the afterlife, the supernatural, free will or other such illogical woo woo nonsense. There is only the Universe and Nature, and that's it, there's nothing extra or godly about it. Some folks might find this point of view of mine as a Atheist to be rather daunting and distasteful, perhaps even viewing it with disgust or displeasure even, but I simply do not believe in anything supernatural at all anymore. I used to be a Pantheist, but then after a careful examination of the evidence of the Universe and Nature as it scientifically is, I find no real evidence for anything remotely resembling a God or a Deity in this world or reality, and even redefining the Universe and Nature to be God would explain absolutely nothing about it to me, it would only be substituting the very words World, Nature and the Universe with the useless word God which means virtually nothing to me at all anymore. So having come to these conclusions on my own I guess that's what made me into an Atheist. I suppose my belief in Pantheism was merely a sexed up Atheism in disguise or denial. I now know a lot better than before to believe in any God even if it's redefined to be the Universe and Nature. So no I don't believe in any God, not even in an impersonal sense, if God is impersonal or lacks moral agency which allows evil without preventing it or stoping it, then there would be no point in believing in it, however if God is personal and moral, but still allows for evil and is unable to stop and prevent evil, then God is useless to believe in as well, so if God is impersonal or personal, but allows for evil and is unable to prevent evil, then God is useless as a hypothesis. What would be the point of believing in a God that doesn't care to stop or prevent evil and needless suffering in this world? There wouldn't. So having come to grips with these various logical conclusions and to grips with reality, I decided that not only if a impersonal god did exist would I not hold any faith in such a being, but even if a personal god existed which allowed for evil and doesn't prevent it or stop it, I will not allow myself to believe in any God on the very basis and fact that evil and suffering is allowed to exist in this Universe and Nature at all. So yeah no God for me thanks and no religion works for me either. So I honestly don't personally care at all if a God exists, I wouldn't want or care to believe in such a God even if there supposedly was one because of the sheer existence of widespread evil and suffering on this planet from either God's inability, unwillingness, or absence of stoping it or preventing it. So God or no God it really doesn't matter to me, I don't want to believe in a God, even if a God supposedly existed, because I wouldn't want to place my faith and devotion in a being or entity that allows suffering and evil to exist without stopping or preventing it's existence from ever occuring. For the simple fact that evil and suffering can even be experienced is sufficient grounds to say God serves no purpose to have faith in even if God were to supposedly exist. So that's why I am a Atheist, I think religion is for people who are trying to cope with life's woes and deal with death perhaps, and yes it does supply people with much needed comforts so I don't intend to evangelize my Atheism and what have you, because I honestly don't care if people believe in bullshit, I am just glad I don't anymore and know much better now. So let people believe in their nonsense I don't.

AtheistForLife 4 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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The free will debate is a long way from settled:


skado Level 9 Aug 15, 2021

Hello and welcome. Might I humbly suggest that paragraphs are easier to read than a solid block of text?


Hello and welcome to the site. You should fit in fine here.


I believe it is free will that has allowed you to reach this conclusion and avow it on this site, therefore free will does exist.....🤔

@AtheistForLife But you do have the “free will” to reach these conclusions and decide for yourself! THAT IS FREE WILL! 😉

Oh just go the fuck away already.....


12oz mouse!


Welcome to agnostic. I personally have no direct knowledge of invisible pasta in the sky with meatballs. I can only go so far as to say, someone else has made the claim of pasta in the sky with meatballs. Not that I am trying to promote anything you might call a religion but atheism is illogical. And, It doesn't take any religion to understand.

You stated," would only be substituting the very words World, Nature and the Universe with the useless word God."

I personally am not a fan of the word human. Just because I do not like the word human, do I pretend that its use does not exist? No, I do not pretend its use does not exist. On the other hand, the word "god" is used to label things by some people and to label people just as the word human labels people.

You being a God that is atheist makes for you to be the one that is illogical for not believing in your own existence or for not believing in yourself.

Word Level 8 Aug 14, 2021

Pantheism is the most attractive theism to me. But like you, the proof of any deity portion of the concept has absent.

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