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Drought is looming here. Animals that usually stay up in the mountains or secreted from humanity are moving in unusual places. A river runs at the back of my property and it is always a highway for wildlife.
I know there are bear and cougar here but I rarely see them
TOday I saw an adult mountain lion that looked to be about 6 feet long from shoulder to rump. Luckily he was down by the river

btroje 9 Apr 19

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We would have to bring it in from the cities. It would be a big job. I have no idea how it could work. I had an emotional response to the drought. We did have a little rain in Santa Fe today!!!


Wow! I feel for the wild life with the drought this year. That was a big mountain Lyon! I used to live off the grid in Santa Fe County and saw a rather large Bob cat once. Is there a way we could make watering holes for the wild life? And they would be filled on a regular basis?

um where would the water come from?




What a wonderful place you have.


Please stay away from the animals...


Wow, watch your back!


Be careful when you go outside, watch your pets too if you have any. Yikes!

I have livestock guardian dogs. They were locked up in the pens or that cat wouldn't have been walking down there

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