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Religion was created by man to divide us. There is no God. Prove me wrong

CatsAre4CoolGuys 3 Apr 19

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Try asking over at MeWe. I have an account over there... but it’s full of kooks. You have to work hard to carve a niche of sanity over there. Plenty of people to fight if that’s what your looking for. It’s kind of silly to walk into a room full of people who mostly agree with you and ask to debate... I mean, I guess I could do it.. anyone want to pitch for this kid? He wants to practice his swing.


Religion was created by man to control us, not to divide us. That is historical fact !


You have made the claim that Religion was created by man to divide us. By debate standards it is your burden of proof to support your claim.

I do agree with you that there is no god and cannot prove that something that does not exist, does not exist. Something has to exist to be observed and tested.

I do disagree with you conclusion that religion was created by man to divide us. The division of human beings is a result of religion not the purpose of religion. In my studies I have not found one reference to any religion being created to divide humans, but rather they are usually created to answer questions, unify, or provide some sort of solace to people.

Do thoughts exist?

@skado Let me think about it.....nope.

@DavidLaDeau 🙂

Yes religions are created to unify people around that ideology, it's just that in doing so you are uniting them, inherently, against competing ideologies. Or at least against those ideologies you perceive as competition or a threat. Many sects push that "us vs them" narrative; the ones who don't are somewhat complicit with the ones that do, because they tend not to take principled stands against the divisive elements of their own faith. Liberal Christians for example seldom chide or critique fundamentalism in any substantive way. But then I suppose that would be divisive too [shrug].

@mordant Very true, this issue comes up very often in the subject of religious anthropology.


I can't argue with you.❤

SalC Level 6 Apr 20, 2018

What is God?

skado Level 9 Apr 20, 2018

No thanks.


Why, bother when you are correct?


Atheism is true and correct because Bible God does not exist. "God is Love" 1John 4:8 But Bible God endorses slavery, polygamy, genocide, and the murder of Heretics and Homosexuals. Bible God treats women as 2nd class citizens, and he is prejudiced against the handicapped. God intends to burn Billions in Hell for all eternity. This is not love. "God is love" is contradicted by the above mentioned unloving actions. Therefore God does not exist and Atheism is true and correct.​

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