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Why is it that most atheists seem to define themselves by hating religion or religious people?
Im an atheist because there is very very significant evidence from many scorces that the world is not created or ruled by gods.

But that doesn't mean I define the whole thing by hate. I see way more posts about how much smarter we are than theists, how they are unintelligent, or their kids are vermon, or laughing when they die.
Its almost like people are imperfect, self serving creatures who crave being better than everyone else. Almost like all the human problems were not created by religion. They are just something that happens in large groups of humans with competing self interestscand power structures and a natural fear of people and things that are different. The amount of dehumanizing, unintelligent, classist, racist crap I see in atheist areas leaves me so empty and often really angry.

Anyway that my rant.
I've been locked out of my account for awhile and I finally fixed it.
Good to be back.

MsAl 8 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome back! As a nonbeliever, I identify as a nullifidian: a person without faith or religious belief. As a former believer, I am not hateful towards anyone for their religious belief, until that belief creates in them an attitude of certitude that they are somehow special or chosen because of that belief, that this faith of theirs requires special consideration by the State, and that the rest of us who don’t believe as they do are damned. People who hold these attitudes, as I sadly once did, are among the most arrogant, self-centered and self righteous jerks on the planet.


Have you ever been beat for expressing doubt as a kid?
Has your education been compromised by religious hatred of science?
Have you ever been disowned for religious reasons?
Have you had harmless activities interrupted by religious people telling you you're a Satanist?
Have you ever been physically attacked for being an atheist while serving in the military by people you'll have to depend on in combat?
Have you had laws passed that threaten your health and well being or the health and well being of friends or family?
I've had all those experiences.
Religion is antisocial, antidemocratic, and malignantly pro death.
I suspect you're a troll.
If you love people you'll hate religion just as anyone that loves religion hates everyone opposed to their religion.
Almost every friend and associate I have that's an atheist today started out as a committed Christian.
Don't confuse opposition to religious oppression as hate, but unkind words are in order if this communicable mental illness is to ever stop.

Yes. I also suspect the poster is a troll. No one who has been in this country, especially in the last 4 years, could be so clueless.


I hate every disease I've recovered from.


I feel anger when I see the racism, bigotry, and evil stemming from religion around the world. If something produces suffering then it is worthy of ridicule and hatred. If someone thinks that their religion justifies abuse, murder, tyranny, misogyny, bigotry, and war then that person should be despised.

Indifference or tolerance of these things is not acceptable even if there is little or nothing we as individuals can do about it.

But I don't hate every person in the world that is religious. I have friends and relatives that are religious. I was once religious to some extent.


I'm not sure why you believe "most" atheists hate religious people. I don't hate them....I rather pity them. But I do have an intense dislike for those who try to convert me, pray for my everlasting soul and tell me Jesus loves me. As the song goes, "If Jesus loves me, why won't he let me know?"


I think you will find it’s usually those who have had strictest religious upbringings and who feel either emotionally or physically damaged by it that show the most vitriol or hatred towards all organised religion especially the one they were involved with. Those with a less strictly religious upbringing or one that had an ambivalent view of going to church or religion in general, do not feel so vehemently against religion or the religious.


"Its almost like people are imperfect, self serving creatures who crave being better than everyone else."
Uh, yeah....human nature at it's "finest"...
But please refrain from saying "most" unless you can back that up with some facts.

I did say seem. And it does seem like whatever atheist (online) area I go to is dominated by memes claiming we are smarter than everyone else and everyone else is destroying everything. And it just comes off unintelligent.
But no, its not a scientific study. Just my observation and opinion.

@MsAl You haven't encountered "most atheists".


I don't hate religion. I am resentful of my religious upbringing. I walk away when peopel strt talkign about religion. I think religious people are delusional. However, "hare" would not be an accurate description. Other than I hate to be bothered by them. I don't hate them, but rather hate how they try to waste my time.


Welcome back.

". . . . most atheists seem to define themselves by hating religion or religious people"? This assertion is in opposition to my observation.

My position towards theists is primarily pity. Many theists I know are bound by indoctrination defining their identity to believing things without evidence in support beliefs in defense of evidence to contrary. This places many in a precarious position where potential cognitive dissidence produces unnecessary stress and confusion. Occasionally if a theists asserts his position of faith over facts is superior to my position, I will defend reality and demonstrate their errors. Yes, I have driven a few to tears. I don't make them (in one case cower and whimper like a dog that had been beaten) not because I hate them. I want them to be able to appreciate the beauty of reality over fantasy.

I find your "The amount of dehumanizing, unintelligent, classist, racist crap I see in atheist areas leaves me so empty and often really angry." perplexing.

Your “atheist areas” are different them mine.

For example:
I have de-converted a few theists. The most beneficial of those thanked me many times as I greatly improved his life as as product of no longer ascribing to his churches teaching to hate/fear people that do not cow town to his church’s teachings. Your “ . . . Racist crap. . .” does not reflect my position as after he de-converted he agreed that once de-tethered from his churches teaching to fear and hate, he was free to appreciate the diversity of race and gender identity. His quote was “You are right, I no longer hate people his church told me to fear.” He included race as a part of the groups he was taught to fear. His de-conversion also improved his life because he no longer wakes up ever night from a nightmare, fearing his invisible sky daddy was sending him to burn in hell forever.

Last Friday at work I was deeply saddened when a hard-core MAGA Theists broke into tears. She was having difficulties loading a hot roll laminating machine when I (as kind, polite and caring as I can) offered then fixed multiple mistakes she had initiated. I could feel her self-doubt as my "It's ok." was answered with her hands on her face sobbing, coughing "No. It's not ok. I'm. . . . " I have known her for 20 years and am aware of her back story - Her Christian upbringing and they way she defines herself as a Christian/Republican, her emotionally abusive ex-husband, cheating boyfriends, she if evidently filled with such self doubt. I wonder if the way Christianity degrades the position of women affects the outcomes for her and other women.

Do I hate religion? I hate the way religions have damaged people. From the young woman who hung herself because (according to the note her friends found beneath her body read) “I have killed myself so I can live with Jesus and my father (he died a year earlier) in heaven.” I could offer more examples but this is getting long. . . . 😟


MsAl, you were not hurt the way other people were hurt, so stop saying they should be like you. DAMMIT!


I don't hate religious people, if they stay in their lane. I don't want to get into a discussion with them about their fictitious god. Don't preach to me. I don't want to hear it. If you think telling someone to go fuck themselves is hate, then I'm guilty as charged.

I'm more commenting on the endless lowball unintelligent kinda bigoty classist crap I see online.
Religion doesn't come up much IRL at work and stuff because its not a part of what we are doing and most people don't talk about it.
Whe it does come up I am usually reminded most people just don't care or they think its interesting.


I, for one, am against insulting others. Let them believe what they want to. 🙂


I know and have known many believers l like and have loved. I don't care for religions. They have little to do with faith and everything to do with power, control, and too often money. I do hate hypocrites, and find many among the religious. I find less hate among non believers than many believers who spew hate on a continuous basis.


I don't hate religious people, many have a good heart but I can and do hate religious people who try and make everyone hate like they do


For many, their treatment based on senseless, needlessly cruel dogma was the reason for the appeal of atheism in the first place. I'd guess that's what drives a lot of the emotional reactions you see.

Yes, but alot of it is the same Language I used to hear and use.
And I have had people be degrading to me. There was that one kid in middle school who told me my parents ate babies.
But in all reality most people are not bad to me even when they find out I'm atheist.
Even back in school, during the 80s here in rural Michigan in the heart of "satanic panic" I was not treated all that badly.
Alot of it seems so unnuanced and mean and dumb from people claiming to be more intelligent than all the other groups and its icky.

@MsAl Some folks just like to pick on other people. Just because you are an atheist doesn't mean you can't be an insecure bully too.

I do see that its different for people whos families are religious and presuring them it would be different somewhat. As a lifelong raised atheist I don't have huge issues.
I just get annoyed with all the lowball hate and eugenics (dawinism) language associated with my identity these days.


Can’t speak for anyone but myself, but being an atheist that was brought up in a strict religious household I have seen firsthand just how evil and dangerous religion really is. I have no love or respect for the kind of hate religion spreads.


None of the atheists I personally know are haters of religious people. It is the attempts of some religious people to impose their religion on us that they hate.


I don't hate religious people, I do hate religion for what it does to people.


I have same feelings. Very disappointed in the “they deserve to get covid” comments. I’ve had covid and it was/still is horrible and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


I think most of us didn't start that way but the way things have been going lately we have come to see them as the hateful power hungry monsters they have become. We have come to associate (some) Christians as worthy of strong scorn.

For my part, yes.

@Freespirit64 Am curious how difficult is it living in a conservative area (I'm making an assumption here)? Here in the PNW religion doesn't play a big role so it's a lot easier to escape.

@JackPedigo SW Missouri. If I didn't live in KC or St Louis I'd go insane. The bigger cities are more diverse and more tolerant, but plenty of bibble thumpers here

@Freespirit64 Urban areas to tend to be more liberal. However, a 'liberal' city might still be considered 'conservative' by another city. I've not spent much time in the central portion of the country except Texass and Oklahoma. Mostly west coast and a time in the Boston area. Growing up in Dallas I never gave a thought to the political leaning of the city. Now I do.

@JackPedigo I was born and raised in the West, so all this mess isn't anything I grew up with. But then we all idolized Reagan and I got a rude awakening when I started to research our political history and vote. I'm definitely not the same animal.

@Freespirit64 That's great to hear. I also voted for Reagan but we were living in Europe and under Carter the Dollar - Deutsch mark started falling and Reagan seemed the best choice to change that (and it did get better). Later, after returning to the US and getting addicted to NPR, my evolution shot up. I strongly believe the meaning of all life is to evolve and we humans do that through knowledge and learning. Perhaps being raised in the west planted some more liberal seeds.

@JackPedigo I am a liberal seed! And one who endeavors to plant more in the Midwest...😉

@Freespirit64 What will the seeds grow to look like? Sometimes the seeds, we plant, grow up to not be what we wanted.


I thought joining this group app there would be less religion hating and negativity spouting aethist. Appears they are just as bad as the aethist hating spouting religious people.

I guess some people have no problem defining themselves by their hatred


Rant indeed.


Nice to see you back!

skado Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

For myself, I would have no problem with them if they didnt have a problem with us. Im live and let live, but these Christians in my area are hell bent on making sure only Christians get the jobs and live hassle free. I can't stand it when they show up wanting to discuss Jeeeezussss and my soul with me. Give me a break and go away!


Your observation is true in most cases and calls for a redefinition of atheism to make it human-centred at all times.


I think there is a difference between being atheist and anti-religious. I have known people that criticize others for their religion. Personally, I accept that everyone has a right to their own beliefs I just do not want them to try to shove them down my throat. Some of the best people I have known were nuns. Some of the worst people I have known were atheist/agnostics.

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