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The evil of the Jehovah's Witnesses laid bare: []

(edited for typo)

anglophone 9 Sep 12

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Just another stupid, fucked-up cult.


I wish the lady the best of luck here. Witnesses are used to handling their own affairs and the history of them shows they cannot handle it. I know them well for there are some in my family.


Everything written there regarding the J.W. Cult is 100% FACTUAL, I have counseled 14 now Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in the 20+ years I've been a Counselor and the stories are always the same, life is 100% Regulated by the Cult Leaders both the in Local Kingdom region and by the Greater Council of Elders.
Females in menses are FORBIDDEN to sit amongst the rest of the congregation at Meetings (Services), females are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to pursue education beyond the level/s as required by the State or Federal Laws of the country in which they reside.
A LITTLE known fat, as far as I known that is from what I learned many many times, is that when a girl reaches mid-puberty ( around 13-16 years of age) she MUST seek from the local Council of Elders guidance and permission as to who/whom THEY think would make a suitable candidate for romantic partner for her and a possible Marriage Partner as well.
If she has erred and made a choice herself, 1) she MUST perform "penance" for a period of NO less than 14 days, this usually involves duties such as Scrubbing the floors, etc, of the Kingdom Hall by hand on her hands and knees, serving meals, etc, to the Council of Elders (the local council), sitting isolated at the rear at ALL meetings and once she has done her penance THEN and ONLY then shal she be permitted to continue on with the relationship BUT she must swear before the Council that SHE will do her duty and use what ever she can and is able to BRING her future partner to the Church, make him a Witness even if he is not one.
Failure to do so DOES often mean complete and Immediate Dis-Fellowship.


The Stupidity of the Jehovah’s Witness is a more appropriate title.


Another cultists religion. My nephew had the perfect answer for when they stopped and knocked on his door - he answered in the nude.

"My willy beats your brains every time!" 😉

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