I really don't like the super basic definitions of spirituality and religion. I am a satanic/pagan atheist. Those are both religions that go hand in hand and that have emotional spiritual significance to me without the need of a god or supernatural component.
The tricky bit is the supernatural stuff. Generally the practitioners of magic are trying to influence nature into providing a supernatural result. How do you get around this? No judgment here, just curiosity.
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I can definitely sympathize with those views, although I don't identify with a religion. I'm also avoid the spiritual tag because to me it carries supernatural connotations. How do you see it without that connection?
sounds like religion to me
@LeighShelton Yes that is my point. I belong to a religion that is atheistic. Religion is not defined solely as a belief in the supernatural.
@AndreaTM : Have you looked into Humanism? It's like a religion but is atheist.
as fairy tails
I define religion as a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects
I don't understand how you can belong to a religion and be an atheist too. How does that work?
Atheists just don't believe in god. LeVeyan Satanism is a religion that doesn't have gods, and paganism is a pretty broad belief system.
A proper definition of Religion doesn't include gods or the supernatural. We are just used to that because Christianity is the dominant religion here. Several religions (including Universal Unitarianism and many types of Satanism) are counted as religions without gods.