When someone in the office sneezes, I automatically say "God Bless You" and then feel uncomfortable. Gesundheit is just the same thing in German. Looking for suggestions to replace these habits.
I say "stop doing that please" . It catches everyone off guard and they laugh. Of course, they know me and my sense of humor. It's always made me uncomfortable when someone says that to me. For some reason, and I don't know why, nut I take it as an insult. If I can't drop my line, the I don't say anything and I wish no one would say anything to me.
Actually Gesundheit means roughly to your health. That’s what I say.
I just don't say anything if someone sneezes, no big deal. If I sneeze, I say 'excuse me' which usually runs over their 'god bless you' and we just move on
Here's an article about it.www.google.com/amp/s/www.gotquestions.org/amp/God-bless-you-sneeze.htm
You really don't need to say anything, it is a body function like coughing. Once you read the reason, it will be easier to break the habit. It is a nice thought thou, sort of like offering to pray for them. ?
I usually say "cover your mouth "
Ha ha
I don't say anything, there's no reason to. It made me uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. Then if the person sneezing gets butthurt about it, you can talk to them about living without superstition.
I don't worry. To me, using that phrase in that context is just a polite thing to do and transends its religious roots so I don't feel any awkwardness. If I see something drastic I will probably say Holy Shit with the same lack of concern
Go the Italian route? "Salute!" That's what I do.
"God bless you" originated during the time of the plague.
Sneezing was a sign of a weak immune system and meant there was a probability the person would be dead soon.
"God bless you" was a way of wishing them well in the afterlife; it was almost a curse.