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She honestly thinks that's the Chinese flag's symbol...

Ruh-Roh! Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Scooby-Doo’ Stunt Did Not Go Well


Dyl1983 8 Sep 23

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Stupid AND a crook. She's the new trump.


I'm not sure that Greene is playing with a full deck. Maybe she is trying to be smart but is too dense to pull it off.

She’s playing with a full deck alright, unfortunately it’s a deck of go fish cards.....👀


I can’t say any of this shit on FB because that smuck Zuch gets all butt hurt and throws me in the clinker.....😊


Women like her are why I’ve been single for a decade.....👀


So some of her stunts go well then!? 🤨

About the ONLY stunt she would succeed at, imo, would be LEARNING to shut her mouth once in a while.

@Triphid Well that’s certainly something we can all agree on!😊

@Buck I'd be more than happy to start her off with the first lesson, i.e. coat her lips with Superglue and then clamp them together.


WTF, is she on about may I ask?
Vaccination WILL save lives, maybe NOT immediately, but down the track it will, haircuts have NEVER saved lives UNLESS you are starving, out of work Barber or Hairdresser that is.
Methinks the endless dying of her hair has seeped through and rotted out some of her brain in my opinion.

She is the poster child for evolution.....her and her illiterate orange monkey.😎

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